
Throughout history, walking has been used as a metaphor to describe many things, from walking in the rain to walking on a cloud; from walking on eggshells to walking a fine line, and so on. This section explores the connection between language, embodied meaning and the act of walking, through walking metaphors

Take a look at "The Art of the Metaphor", a TED Ed talk by Jane Hirschfield.

1. After watching the video, reflect:

How can thinking metaphorically change the way we think about the "how" and "why" of walking?

2.. Close your eyes and write down one or two striking images that spring to mind when you hear the expression, "Go for a Walk".

With a partner, reflect:

a) Which image was most striking to you? To your partner?

b) Why do you feel that image is linked to the idea of walking for you?

c) How does the image change your relationship to the physical act of walking?

Walking as Metaphor

Have you ever stopped to wonder why walking has been seen as a compelling metaphor ?

1. Download the chart to the left by clicking once on it. Click on the box in the left corner to expand and open in google docs.

2. Beside each expression in the chart, indicate on a scale of 1 to 5 which of these expressions most reflects your personality or way of doing things, where 1 is "least expresses my personality" and 5 is "most expresses my personality".

After filling in your chart, reflect on the following:

a) Can you think of any similarities or commonalities among all the expressions related to "walking"?

b) Why do you think walking is an appropriate metaphor? What special meanings does walking convey in particular?

c) Is there one particular expression related to walking that inspires you the most?

<--You might want to explore a list of walking metaphors through the Phrase Thesaurus on the left!

OR, songs that use "walking" as a metaphor in their lyrics:

Choose a particular walking expression that clearly resonates with you. Then write a 1 -page reflection describing why this expression of walking means a lot to you. To help you with this question, consider the following:

a) What might a walking metaphor say about the way you prefer to learn, grow or travel through life?

b) Do you find that your way of walking is always "in step" with those around you, or is it a bit "out of step", or none of the above? Describe what makes your walk different or similar to that of those around you.

Key Points

  • Walking is deeply embedded in commonplace expressions.
  • Walking is often metaphorically charged, connoting a variety of philosophical and spiritual groundings
  • Exploring how and why an expression inspires us can help us get closer to the meaning that is contained in movement.
  • Thinking and embodiment are intimately connected.

For Further Reading

Barcelona, A. (2000). Metaphor and metonymy at the crossroads: A cognitive perspective. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.

Lakoff, G., & Johnson, M. (2003). Metaphors we live by. Chicago: University of Chicago Press