JOIN and find locations to be active

Volunteers are always welcome.

Connecting people to a task is something wonderful.

Helping the local environment to change by creating a greener society.

Planting new plants, Sowing seeds, ...

Also visit VEG.UNO for a VEGAN LIFE.


Imagin, locations with plants. Anywhere in the world we search for locations where we can bring people together talking about a vegan lifestyle.

Plantbase.Me concept is to help people to get more awareness about the world of plants, plantbased food and the RAW FOOD and VEGAN world.

Do you know an empty location which can be used for a period or long time to create a studio?

Do you want to help? Can we registrate your name? Your adress? Your phone number or emailadress?

Do you want to volunteer and support on a location a day or half a day work, weekly or monthly ?

Do you want to help to setup a team, manage a project, arrange the location ?

Are you able to support and keep things going for our yearly events?

Do you see any oportunaties in your local region or national?

Do you know a location where there are many plants?

Do you know people who love to work with plants?

GreenLittleKitchen is a plantbased RAW Food Vegan Kitchen Space in Zutphen, managed by Regi Manthey

Raw Food is fresh, sprouted, fermented (friendly bacteria) or dried food, heated at a low temperature

(max. 42 degrees). Raw Food is also called 'living food'.

Making Vegan Mayonaise, Vegan Ketchup or PlantBased Humus and other PlantPowered RAW Food Creations.

At greenlittlekitchen you can order a wide range of dishes: Everything is organic, vegan and often mostly Raw.

How does the Challenge work exactly?


After you fill out the registration form, a tab for a secret Facebook group will automatically open. This group will accompany you throughout the Challenge.

Request to join, and once we approve you (please be patient, sometimes it can take a day or two), you can view and participate in the group.

The group members are people who want to try a vegan lifestyle just like you, alongside a team of mentors which includes experienced vegans

and clinical dietitians who'll be happy to answer any question you might have.

Later on, you'll receive a message from your own personal mentor who can help you with any specific difficulty you may encounter.

Each day we'll post a daily challenge or a little tip in the group, to teach you something new about being vegan.

This way, you can experience various aspects of the vegan lifestyle throughout the Challenge. The daily challenge will also be emailed to you.

What is "the daily challenge"?

During the Challenge, we'll post a daily challenge each day.

These little assignments are usually quite easy and even tasty: for instance,

trying a vegan dessert,

making a vegan sandwich

or cooking a tofu dish.

Sometimes you'll have to shop for a new ingredient,

and other times you'll have to work up the courage to experiment in the kitchen

or go out to a restaurant.

Take this opportunity to get to know new flavors,

try new dishes and play with your food!

It's fun and rewarding in and of itself.

Challenge 22+ : Terms of Use

I am hereby informed and aware that my participation in the Challenge22+ group, including all content published in the group,

i.e. questions and answers, explanations and tips - is not a substitute for professional counseling (nutritional, medical or other),

and that the responsibility to eat a healthy, balanced diet rests exclusively with me, the participant.

Animals Now and the Challenge22+ team will not be held accountable for any health problem or other issue which can occur

as a result of bad nutrition or conduct during my participation in the Challenge22+ program.

Additionally, I am aware that the medical and nutritional information given in the program is general

and cannot take into account specific conditions or personal requirements of each participant.

The Challenge22+ program, in itself, cannot be an exclusive framework for people with diseases or with special health/nutritional/mental conditions,

such as eating disorders,

gastrointestinal or digestive diseases,

bariatric surgery and pregnancy.

In these cases, it is highly recommended to get additional personal counseling with an appropriate healthcare professional,

in place of or in addition to participation in the Challenge22+ program.

*If you have any special requirements and are in need of personal support,

you may consult with one of the program mentors regarding the appropriate professional to reach out to.

* Challenge 22+ was created and is run by Animals Now, an NGO based in Israel. / READ MORE STORIES ABOUT THE PROBLEMS AROUND WELLNESS FOR ANIMALS