The Numerology of 7 - The IN-DEPTH Guide To Lifepath Number 7

To understand numerology is to understand each of its individual nine symbols…

From 1 through to the number 9, each symbol tells it’s own story and can even be combined with others to provide us further information and even predictions to our higher calling and lifepath.

The number 7 is one of these numbers, in this article today we are going to cover:

  • What your Lifepath and Soul’s calling as a numerology of 7 will likely be

  • The personality of number 7’s

  • How the numerology of 7 works for relationships and marriage

  • How the numerology of 7 affects parenthood, your career and career opportunities

  • What the numerology of 7 means in Indian numerology

Table of Contents

Your Lifepath and Soul’s Calling as a Number 7

Your lifepath is a reflection of your soul’s yearning, deeper purpose and calling. Your lifepath number is the number that reveals your deepest values, personality and calling.

The Lifepath of a 7 is that of analysis, inquiry, introspection and deduction.

7’s are investigators, deep truth seekers with an insatiable curiosity and a need for wisdom and answers.

Whichever job, career or hobby you choose in this life will become an exercise in deep study and analysis for you. You will not be able to take up an interest without feeling a deep need for mastery and understanding.

You are the embodiment of a student of the universe.

This path is often quite lonely as you will be spending long periods in deep study and isolation. To others you will seem somewhat mysterious as while you don’t seem outwardly sociable, when people do talk to you, you are able to skillfully articulate complex topics and will seem very interesting.

You have a surprisingly high level of intuition, which you will skillfully rely on to guide your logical mind and give it direction, hints and nudges. While on the outside you may seem highly analytical and rigid, your curious nature and yearning for answers yet unseen has made you rely on intuition and the power of faith to uncover facts and truths.

Advantages of the Lifepath of 7

  • You will attain a deep level of mastery due to your insatiable curiosity and need to know the HOW and WHY of things

  • Your highly introspective nature means that you will form a strong relationship with yourself. You will enjoy your company and while your path may seem lonely from the outside, you will often feel content in solitude

Challenges of the Lifepath of 7

  • Your quest for knowledge and wisdom may be to the exclusion of friends and family. You may find it hard forging deep relationships and bonds with others due to your long periods of solitude and study

  • Your natural insatiable curiosity can cross into invasive levels, many will take your curiosity as suspicion and often it will be as you aren’t content to accept what you believe are surface level facts

The Personality of Numerology Number 7

7’s are often introverted and rarely feel comfortable at social gatherings. Once conversation is initiated and the awkward stage has passed and you have relaxed, you are a skilled and articulate orator. Able to talk deeply and broadly about many topics.

Your curious yet introverted nature is what people will find most fascinating about you. People will enjoy talking to you, your questioning nature will make people feel appreciated, listened to and most importantly special and often they will look forward to talking to you again.

7’s are not content with surface level answers, you will drive and drive until you tease out wisdom and concepts, re-evaluate and then push deeper until you’ve achieved mastery. This means that you will achieve a high level of skill in the few subjects you do choose.

You have a solitary nature, enjoying your own company. When you are out with others, you will enjoy yourself but often feel extraordinarily drained afterwards requiring a long period of solitude before you feel comfortable around others again.

Due to enjoying your own company, you also possess a level of understanding about yourself, how you work and your own triggers that far exceeds what others have. Your personal mastery and relationship with yourself allows you to often know when you are becoming grumpy or unhappy and what to do about it

The Advantages of The Personality of 7

  • You will passionately attain mastery over the few subjects you do decide to pursue

  • Your level of introspection and solitude has granted you a level of personal mastery over yourself. You know your strengths and weaknesses intimately.

Challenges of The Personality of 7

  • Your self isolation means that your social skills won’t be that sharp and you may have trouble initiating conversations with others

  • People may mistake your questioning nature as invasive and annoying

  • People may think of you as a snob when you decline invites to go out to gatherings or social events

Do you ever feel uncomfortable in your own skin?

Or do you ever feel like you are living the wrong life?

This could be due to you doing that very thing.

With using numerology with names you can divine from the universe what you should be doing, being or acting. It’s not an exact science, but this little bit of guidance can be just the thing we need to improve and enrich our lives.

I suggest using Aiden Powers, a world-renowned Numerologist to get your ACCURATE reading. Just click here for an accurate and fast Numerology session...

The Number 7 in Relationships and Marriage

7’s are great during the initial stages of a relationship. They enjoy the information gathering and getting to know you phase. They will often treat their partner as a subject or interest to be studied, questioned and figured out. While this isn’t necessarily a bad thing, it can result in the partner feeling overwhelmed by all the intense focus and attention. It can also lead to the 7 thinking they have their partner figured out and losing interest.

It’s important for a 7 to connect to their spirit, and curiosity and not their ego in a relationship. This is because 7’s see themselves as wise-people and great investigators, but often they can come to false or premature conclusions. It’s important to realize that you will never figure out everything about your partner, and that you could spend the rest of your life studying them and never get to the bottom of their character.

This will keep you engaged and interested until you can form a deep enough bond to sustain your relationship.

The Advantages of The Numerology of 7 in Relationships and Marriage

  • You will rapidly get to know your partner very quickly

  • Your partner if not put off by your attention, will feel very special and appreciated by how much of an interest you take in them

The Challenges of The Numerology of 7 in Relationships and Marriage

  • You may think you’ve got your partner all figured out and rapidly lose interest once the mystery is gone

  • You must table your ego and realize that people are infinitely interesting and that there are always more things to discover

  • You must show restraint with your compulsion to endlessly ask questions and know answers

The Number 7 for Parenthood

7’s are very committed parents, just like their commitments to studying and understanding their other interests they dedicated this same focus and energy towards their children. To them their children are endlessly fascinating, as they grow, form their own personality and eccentricities. A 7 will never tire of paying attention to their child.

As a 7 you aren’t likely to over-indulge or spoil your children but you may veer towards helicopter-parenting i.e being over-bearing and enforcing your own wisdom on your children rather than listening to them.

Remember to return to your inquisitive nature when you feel you are becoming too over-bearing and become intensely interested in the HOW and the WHY of your children’s behavior.

The Advantages of The Numerology of 7 in Parenting

  • You can easily give endless attention to your children, you make them feel special

  • Your inquisitive nature will make your child feel listened to

  • You aren’t likely to over-indulge or spoil your child

The Challenges of The Numerology of 7 in Parenting

  • You may become over-bearing if you come to a premature and incorrect conclusion as to the source of your childrens behavior

  • Remember to always return to your inquisitive and listening behavior to figure out whats really going on with your child

  • You must be aware when your child needs space and a break from you

The Number 7 for Career and Career Opportunities

The analytical, wisdom-seeking and curious nature of 7’s lends them to becoming fantastic Engineers, scientists, doctors and inventors.

Material wealth often isn’t the motivating factor for a lifepath 7, instead they feel much more spiritual nourishment and success from diving deep and figuring out the answers to the toughest questions in their field.

This is not to be confused for ambition, a 7 genuinely feels their best when they benefit the world in some way. If their job or career is able to do this, then they feel fulfilled.

The free-thinking, wisdom-seeking nature of a 7 can butt heads with dogmatic and rigid career structures. While they are more suited to a 9-5 environment than say a 3, or a 5 is they can’t tolerate lazy thinking or dishonest practices and will make a stand if they feel injustices are taking places.

The Advantages of a Lifepath Number 7 for Career

  • You will quickly master your chosen job or profession due to your curious nature

  • Spiritual rewards are much more important than material rewards to you

The Challenges of a Lifepath Number 7 for Career

  • You may butt-heads with lazy thinkers or dogmatic people due to your need for deep and critical thought

  • You work best in a small team, or alone. This may put you at odds in environments that function with large communicative teams

The Number 7 in Indian Numerology

  • Your friendly numbers are 5, 6 and 8

  • Your lucky day is Monday

  • Your lucky color is White

  • Your lucky gem is a Cat’s Eye

  • Your lucky metal is White gold


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