Mindfulness Activities for Parents and Children


Mindfulness is “awareness that arises through paying attention, on purpose, in the present moment, non-judgementally,” says Kabat-Zinn. “And then I sometimes add, in the service of self-understanding and wisdom.”

Jon Kabat-Zinn, Developer of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction

What are some benefits of mindful parenting?


30 Mindfulness Activities for Parents to Help You Relax and 

Focus on the Present 


Below are links for the mindfulness-based activities contained in the article.  

Click the links and explore!

(Some links are different than those in the article)

1-Minute Mindfulness Exercises

Free App with Meditations 

Create a Mindfulness Jar 

5 Senses Activities

Self-Care for Parents

A Moment of Mindful Silence

Work with Your Breath

Yoga for Mindfulness

Kindness Meditation

Mindful Moment with FreezeDance

Gratitude Journal

Standing Like a Tree

Adult Coloring Pages

Safe Place Meditation

Mindful Gardening

Mindful Walking 

Mindful Jenga Game 

Mindful Leaf Exercise

Self-Compassionate Letter

Meditation Music Playlist

Gratitude Scavenger Hunt