Time Management

This module will take about 25 minutes to complete, including the quiz. 

Watch the videos in order below:

Use the information in the graphic for the following videos in this module.

 This is a picture of where to click on the video to get close captioning (cc) and to make the picture larger (rectangle) or smaller (4 arrows in rectangle pointing to the center)

To complete this section, print the Week Planner PDF or use a phone app to make your week schedule. You can also create your own on Excel.

Week Planner.pdf

PDF Transcript

Weekly Planner - WV WORKS Video Transcript Table Form.pdf

This video sets up monthly calendars.

You can use a calendar on your phone or tablet, 

or you can print them on paper 

using the button below.

PDF Transcripts

Monthly Calendars - WV WORKS Video Transcript Table Form.pdf

Below are lists you might want to use,

or you can use something you already have, 

or you can use phone apps. 

For information about phone apps, click below.

Weekly To-Do List.pdf
Prioritize-Daily to-do.pdf

PDF Transcript

Control Your Life in 10 Minutes a Day - WV WORKS Transcript Table Form.pdf

PDF Transcripts

Prioritizing Video Transcript Table.pdf

To check out Time Management on our website, click the button below.

For more information or to meet with a Learning Strategies counselor, contact us at:

304-534-7878 | access@pierpont.edu

Certificate of Completion for Time Management

Certificate of Completion Quiz