Online Classes

This module will take about 25 minutes to complete, including the quiz.

Online Classes

Some of Pierpont's programs are fully or mostly online. 

Other programs give the option to take in-person or online sections of courses.

Before committing to an online class, ask yourself these questions:

Some key advantages of online learning are: 

However, online learning can be more challenging than it may seem.

Online courses require just as much, if not more, time and energy as in-person classes.

They also require computer skills and online learning strategies, in addition to reliable access to computer and internet resources in order to succeed.

If you do better with frequent and/or prompt interactions with an instructor or have challenges with time management or a specific subject (e.g., math, English), online or hybrid classes might not be the best choice for you.


You can connect with your resources and immediately work with Pierpont's tutoring services and Learning Strategies to help increase your skills, which will help you succeed in online classes.

Contact: | 304-534-7878

Insightful Program

Use the information in the graphic for the following video in this module.

The Insightful Program only needs to be used during participation in online classes to track attendance and performance.

Insightful Computer Monitoring Instructions.pdf


Assessing and filling your needs before you start online classes is key.  

- Regular access to a computer

You need to have regular times when you can use a computer or tablet for completing assignments and tests on time.

- Reliable, high speed internet service 

If your internet reception is spotty or crashes in the middle of a test, this can affect your grade.

-Basic computer & internet skills 

Things like knowing how to upload an assignment are essential to passing classes.

If you need help with this, contact Support Services -

Common Computer Requirements for Online Classes

Chrome and MacBook laptops:

For meetings:


For more information about Pierpont's Printers, click below.

(Viewing this section is not required for Boot Camp completion.)

Reliable computer & Internet Access

If you do not have this at home or with friends or family, check out the resources below.

Community Based Resources

Computer & Internet Access

To access a reliable computer and/or internet in your community, consider going to your local library.  

These resources are often free to the community, but may require you to sign up for a library card.  Some libraries even offer WiFi, so you can use your own laptop.  

To locate your local West Virginia Library click here below.

(Viewing this section is not required for Boot Camp completion.)


Pierpont students can access EduRoam wherever it is available (e.g., public schools) throughout the State and across the Nation.  

For more information about EduRoam, click below.

(Viewing this section is not required for Boot Camp completion.)

To check out Online Classes on our website, click on the button below.

For more information or to meet with a Learning Strategies counselor, contact us at:

304-534-7878 |

Certificate of Completion for Online Classes Quiz

Certificate of Completion Quiz