Pierpont Portal

Logging in, Blackboard, Office 365, ROAR, The Den: Student Engagement Portal, Register/Schedule Builder, Degree Works

This module will take about 25 minutes to complete, including the quiz. 

Review the content in order below:

The Portal is your 'doorway' into the programs used by Pierpont. 

To access the Portal:

1. Go to www.pierpont.edu

2. Click 'Portal'

Pierpont Website with 'Portal' highlighted

3. Enter your Username (UCA) and Password (If you do not have this information, contact IT at help@pierpont.edu).

     -Your UCA is the first part of your Pierpont email address before the @. (ex. jsmith25@student.pierpont.edu - jsmith25 is the UCA/Username)

4. Click 'Continue'

Portal sign in page

Portal Programs


Use the information in the graphic for the following videos in this module.

This is a picture of where to click on the video to get close captioning (cc) and to make the picture larger (rectangle) or smaller (4 arrows in rectangle pointing to the center)

NOTE:  Your classes will not show up in Blackboard until the first day of classes. 

PDF Transcript

How to Access & Navigate Blackboard Transcript Table Form.pdf
Upload Assignments to Blackboard Transcript Table Form.pdf
Blackboard Learn App Icon

Check out the Blackboard Learn App!

Students can download the Blackboard Learn app on their smartphones to keep up with homework and deadlines on the go!

The app contains the same features and functions listed in the first Blackboard video. Watch the video below for an App Tour.

For problems with Blackboard, contact Pierpont's eLearning Specialist at:

304-534-7892 | blackboard@pierpont.edu

For more information, click on the buttons below.

(Viewing these sections is not required for Boot Camp completion.)

Creating PDFs

If your class requires that you submit assignments to Blackboard in PDF format, and you wrote them in Word and are unsure how to make them a PDF, click below.

(Viewing this section is not required for Boot Camp completion.)

Office 365

Office 365 icon

This is your access to Microsoft Office online products (Word, Excel, and other Microsoft programs) including your Pierpont Outlook email.

You can save your files on OneDrive, which is the Microsoft cloud service. It lets you store your files, share them with others, and access them through all your devices (e.g., computer, tablet, phone).  

NOTE:  When you graduate or leave Pierpont, your access to Office 365 will end. So, you should download important documents that you want to keep prior to your leaving. 


ROAR icon

This is your access to your school information such as your personal and financial information, your unofficial grade transcript, class schedule, and more.  

For more information about what you can find on ROAR, click below.  

(Viewing this section is not required for Boot Camp completion.)

The Den: Student Engagement Portal

The Den: Student Engagement Portal icon

The Den is your ticket to an enriching college experience. Explore student organizations, upcoming events, and forge meaningful connections within this vibrant hub. But The Den offers more than that - earn Pride Points, track community service hours, and level up your skills across diverse areas. Embrace the possibilities for personal growth and unforgettable experiences.

Register/Schedule Builder

Register icon

This program is where you register for classes, change classes, and drop classes.  

IMPORTANT: You should not use this without help from your WV WORKS Coordinator, academic advisor, or Student Services' advisors. 

Degree Works

Degree Works icon

This is a program that monitors a student's progress in completing the classes required for graduating from a program or receiving a certificate.  

To check out Pierpont's Portal on our website, click on the button below.

For more information or to meet with a Learning Strategies counselor, contact us at:

304-534-7878| access@pierpont.edu

Certificate of Completion for Pierpont Portal Quiz

Certificate of Completion Quiz