
Pierangelo Di Sanzo - Personal Web Site

(Copyright Information)

Copyright Information: The documents available from this site are provided as a means to ensure timely dissemination of technical work on a non-commercial basis. Copyright and all rights therein are maintained by the authors or by other copyright holders, notwithstanding that they have offered their works here electronically. It is understood that all persons copying this information will adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. These works may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder

International Journals

Design and implementation of a fully-transparent partial abort support for software transactional memory. Software: Practice and Experience, 2022. [pdf][link][BibTex]

Design and implementation of the new italian healthcare digital interoperable registry for implantable medical devices. Software: Practice and Experience, 2022. [pdf][link][BibTex}

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Book Chapters




International Conferences

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Italian Journals


Italian Conferences

Ph.D. Thesis

Copyright Information: The documents available from this site are provided as a means to ensure timely dissemination of technical work on a non-commercial basis. Copyright and all rights therein are maintained by the authors or by other copyright holders, notwithstanding that they have offered their works here electronically. It is understood that all persons copying this information will adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. These works may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder