20 Minute PE

Welcome to 20 Minute PE. I'm excited you are here with me.

I will be creating fitness videos for adults and families to follow along with 3 days a week.

Monday is Leg Day

Wednesday is Upper Body Day

Friday is Full Body Movement Fun

Leg Day

April 20th

Today is a Leg Day. A lot of balance and isometric movements are included.

#20MinPE Leg Day 4-20.mp4

Full Body Fun April 3rd

Today is a full body workout. Each part of the workout is set to music. Enjoy this Friday's episode.

Fun Full Body Friday 4-3.mp4

Upper Body & Core April 1st

Today is Upper Body & Core Day . It is very similar to last weeks, just with more core movements. Plus we have a special Guest. *Sorry about the lighting. We will make sure to have better lighting Friday.

#20MinPE Upper Body & Core 4:1:2020.mp4

Leg Day March 30th

Today is Leg Day. It is very similar to last weeks Leg Day, just with more balance included with with the movements.

#20MIn PE Leg Day -March 30th .mp4

Full Body Fun March 27th

For today I have compiled a few drumming routines to make a single 20 minute video. If you do not have an exercise ball to drum on here are a few other options:

  • Basketball, Soccer Ball, Volleyball
  • Cardboard box
  • Chair Seat
  • Pillow

These items can be placed on a:

  • Chair
  • Laundry Basket
  • 5 Gallon Bucket

#20MinPE 1st Drumming.mp4

Upper Body & Core Day March 25th

#20MinPE Upper Body & Core 3:24:2020.mp4

Leg Day March 24th

#20MinPE - Leg Day 1.mp4