About Us

We are a high-school club in Irvine, CA. Our members consist of high-school students interested in ensuring a better future for all of us. We aim to dedicate ourselves to spreading awareness on environmental issues and policies alongside animal rights issues!

Past Events


On Sunday July 25th, Surfmates members and AEPC members joined to host a beach cleanup at the San Clemente Pier!

The Issue

  • The temperatures this summer will both be the hottest ones on record, and the coolest we will ever experience again. That is, if we continue to treat the existence of the climate crisis as only a second thought. Due to human activity, emissions continue to rise and our planet is paying the cost.

  • As young climate activists, we are becoming increasingly concerned with our future and the future of generations onwards. With increasing global carbon emissions, we will be at risk to even more intense wildfires (like the ones we've seen in Irvine, October 2020). Millions worldwide are all at risk of injury from air pollution due to a lack of accountability. But there is an 11 year window of opportunity to act.

  • On his first day in office, President Biden recommitted the U.S. to the Paris Agreement—a pledge to reduce nationwide emissions by at least 26 percent below 2005 levels by 2025. However, additional steps are needed if we are to limit the effects of climate change.