Surfer Views: Ocean Pollution & Why you should care

As a surfer and founder of a non-profit, Surfmates, I am deeply passionate about the protection of my second home, the sea. The ocean is a place that gives me joy and peace after a whole week of hectic schoolwork and other stress. However, every surf session, I see some kind of plastic waste floating right next to me. It’s not only gross, but it’s deeply saddening. Even if you aren’t a surfer or someone that enjoys the beach, our ocean is the reason you survive; the reason we all survive. Let me take you on a quick journey.

It's 7066, you go on a space tour to an Earth-like planet. With all your stress on Earth, you decide to move to the new planet, planet X. You have been living there for 20 years, but as years go on, the ocean is drying up for some scientific reason. Your fridge that used to be filled with fresh, exclusive seafood from planet X is down to one. You decided to go out to your backyard when it’s a whooping 105 degrees, to check your plants, realizing that they are wilting as there has been a lack of precipitation. The next day comes, planet X’s weather down to negative 30 degrees. Then three days later, you have trouble breathing and check the oxygen regulator, realizing that it’s dropping every minute.

Terrifying? But that’s the importance of our ocean. It provides us with food, regulates our climate and weather, produces the air we breathe, and so much more.

Yes, our ocean isn’t going to dry up from the plastic pollution. But you respect and care for your parents as they provide you with life and other necessities. So why shouldn’t you care about Ocean that gives you life?

The care you give could be small, but it goes a long way.

I urge everyone to lessen their use of plastic waste by simply using a reusable water bottle. This way you are saving money from purchasing plastic bottles of water from your local grocery store, but also saving “an average of 156 plastic bottles annually” according to