Education is Key!

Fossil Fuels & Renewable Energy

Fossil Fuels

"Fossil fuels" is an umbrella term for fuels derived from deceased organisms. The reason why fossil fuel combustion is harmful is that it releases a surplus of carbon dioxide (among carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, and more) into the atmosphere. Greenhouse gases (GHG) like carbon dioxide (CO2) are able to absorb and trap thermal energy from the sun inside of Earth’s atmosphere. This, in controlled amounts, was essential for early life on Earth to thrive. However, with a surplus of greenhouse gases in our atmosphere, the planet is warming fast. The vast majority of U.S. GHG emissions come from fossil fuel combustion (1). Fossil fuels like petroleum make up most of our liquid fuels (i.e. gasoline and diesel) and power our transportation vessels.

Another issue is that fossil fuels are a finite source. We have already mined half of our fossil fuel reserves and mining the remaining amount will only get more time consuming and difficult.

Climate scientists warn that we are surpassing the threshold for greenhouse gas emissions (2). If we continue to emit at this rate, we will be at risk to food shortages, air pollution, intense wildfires and hurricanes, and unpredictable events further down the line. Alternatives are needed to slow the progression of climate change.

References1“Total Energy Monthly Data - Environment.” U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA),“Global Warming of 1.5 ºC.” IPCC, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change,

EIA 2016. CO2 Emission Trend Projections

Carbon dioxide emissions from coal, natural gas, and liquid fuels continue to rise, reaching dangerous levels in the near future.

Renewable Energy

"Renewable energy" refers to energy derived from sources that can be replenished INFINITELY. For example, solar energy is powered by radiation from the sun and never runs out. Wind power is generated from natural wind pushing the wind turbines, creating mechanical energy. Biofuels like biodiesel, a substitute for diesel, have also entered the conversation. Biodiesel derived from algae oil is considered renewable due to its carbon-neutral ability. Although solar and wind power have been critiqued for inefficiency, it has growing potential as the technology advances.

California is set to reach net-zero greenhouse gas emissions economy-wide by 2045, AND has become the world’s fifth-largest economy.

EIA 2021. U.S. Energy Consumption by Source

Renewable energy only makes up 12% of where we get our energy.

We could prevent 2.2 million deaths in 2100.

Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act (H.R. 2307)

What defines a good solution?

  1. We need to transform our trend line from adding carbon to reducing carbon in the atmosphere

  2. Let people choose for themselves with incentives to choose wisely

  3. It shouldn’t pose a burden on those who are poor or disadvantaged

  4. It should not only reduce carbon emissions for a healthy climate, but also help create jobs and a robust economy for all

...So what approach meets those criteria?


  1. Charge a fee on fossil fuels at the source

This fee starts low and increases steadily each year.

  1. Return 100% of net revenue to households as a dividend

All of the money collected is held in a trust fund and returned to American households monthly, on an equal basis. About 2/3 of all households would break even or receive more in their dividend checks than they would pay in higher prices due to the fee, thereby protecting the poor and middle class from higher prices.

  1. Carbon Border Adjustment

The final leg of the stool is a border tariff adjustment on goods imported from or exported to countries without an equivalent price on carbon. This adjustment would both discourage businesses from relocating to where they can emit more CO2 and encourage other nations to adopt an equivalent price on carbon.


Net Zero by 2050

This policy will reduce America’s fossil fuel pollution by 30% in the first 5 years alone, and get us to net zero carbon pollution by 2050. It’s the single most powerful tool we have to reduce America’s carbon pollution.

Affordable Clean Energy

With this policy, the government makes fossil fuels more expensive, and businesses compete to provide clean energy solutions. The resulting innovation will reduce our pollution fast and efficiently, leading to plenty of reliable and affordable clean energy for our modern lives.

Saves Lives

This policy will improve health and save 4.5 million American lives over the next 50 years by reducing pollution Americans breathe. Poor air quality is responsible for as many as 1 in 10 Americans today, and sickens thousands more.

Puts Money In Your Pocket

This policy is affordable for ordinary Americans because it puts money in your pocket. The money collected from the fee is given as a monthly dividend, or ‘carbon cash back’ payment to every American to spend with no restrictions. Most low and middle income Americans will come out financially ahead or break even.

All current supporters of H.R. 2307

Including 898 prominent individuals (and Don Cheadle), 1200 businesses, 148 local governments, and more.

Community Choice Energy (CCE)

Last year, a CCE program was launched in Orange County by four cities-Irvine, Fullerton, Huntington Beach, and Buena Park-called the Orange County Power Authority (OCPA).

FASTEST way to 100% renewable energy (i.e. wind and solar). It allows communities to choose what sources to get energy from, rather than the fossil fuels used by SoCal Edison.

Income generated by the CCE will be returned to our community to fund local programs like EV chargers and solar panels.

An Irvine study found that CCE will reduce Irvine's greenhouse gas emissions by 360,000 metric tons each year.