Anna Kenyon

Symbiotic Living

By presenting this artwork, I hope to demonstrate the healthy relationships between nature and humanity through showcasing the beauty of both simultaneously. I hope the audience will see how we can live harmoniously with nature and physically see evidence of this through my art. Obtaining an emotional response in my audience is important because it will allow for their own memories and attachments to nature to surface and relate to my works. My message this year was initially to show how insignificant humanity is in the larger works of nature, which is demonstrated through my first exhibited work, but I gradually became more aware of the beauty of simple structures and man made constructions as the year progressed. This led me to shift my focus to highlighting the combined beauty of nature and humanity.

Mile High Shadow

The purpose of this painting is to demonstrate the insignificance of humanity with the juxtaposition of a city to vibrant natural elements. Denver becomes an inappreciable shadow at the foot of the Rocky Mountains and the sky shows a sense of wonder. My memories of otherworldly colors and awe are highlighted with the dramatization of the original photograph. The portrayal of a seemingly insignificant moment is proven instead to be a striking example of beauty found in everyday scenes.

Southwest Sunlight

This scene contains memories of gratitude and happiness for the simple yet beautiful moments in life. The silo is a structure typically viewed as unattractive but the sunset that day created lighting which made the bold colors in the grass and the graceful curves of the silo stand out. The lighting played a large role in the intent of the piece, in showcasing the pockets of golden light which added warmth and nostalgia to the memory and adorned the building with a crown.

Home for Now

This painting functions to show the beauty of the architecture complimenting the beauty of nature. One aspect could not be as stunning without the other. I had feelings of safety and contentment as well as self assurance at the moment the picture was taken. This is demonstrated by the secure walls of the building and the implication that the next step is to leave the safety of the building to experience the world beyond. This choice is shown with the combination of nature and a structure.

No Place to Go

This picture was taken at a time when I had little self confidence and felt like I could never survive on my own. The imagery suggests that there is no clear path for me but the light filled sky suggests a hint of hope. Either way, the beauty created by the combination of the dock and the rough waters shows that internal conflict also has its own beauty and that there is always hope. The choice presented here is whether to dive and swim towards the light or not.

Early Morning Revelation

This painting marks the shift in mindset where I began to find striking beauty in scenes which had emotional weight as well, and focused on more abstract representations of my memories. The intent is for the audience to also experience this shift. The small buildings are complemented by the autumn colors, showcasing the beauty of both. It was early morning and I was the only person awake, so this revelation felt like a momentous and life changing moment despite the stillness of the morning.

Late Summer Playground

The street where we grow up is important for everyone, so the intent of this piece was to relate to an audience on an emotional level. The scene is beautiful because of the colors, lighting, and mixture of cracked pavement and luminous trees, but the more important beauty is in the shared memory that all of humanity has, of similar scenes over the globe. This includes scenes of their own childhood home and the playground where they grew up, undoubtedly including man made structures and nature.

Looking for Loons

This piece also depicts an early morning, when the water was like glass, and contains emotions of excitement and expectation as we looked for wildlife. The intent is for the audience to anticipate what happens next and what will break the still water. Additionally, the piece demonstrates the happiness and contentment that comes with participating in an activity that does not harm nature. The beauty here lies in the symbiotic relationship between those above (humans), and below the water.

Nothing But Wind and Sky

This piece demonstrates the product of all the reflections, insights, and revelations which arose during the course of the year. The scene is the most simple, but the emotional connection to the scene which is built on memories of huge expanses and billowing clouds, is the most compelling. This is the definition of a scene being simple yet beautiful and shows how conclusions can be drawn by each individual audience member about the personal significance of a scene composed of only wind and sky.