Getting Started

Quick and easy way to start with PhotoPro:

  • Locate these two items in your inventory:

    1. PhotoPro HUD

    2. PhotoPro attachment

  • Wear the HUD.

  • If you want to take a picture of yourself, wear the attachment too, otherwise hand the attachment over to your model. Do not worry, it is copy & transfer, so you will keep a version always in your inventory.

  • When you or your model wear the attachment, select on your HUD "click here to start" and connect then with the name offered in the menu.

  • Once the HUD is connected to an attachment more options will appear. If you are in an area that allows you to rezz summon now a poseball for your model (does not apply for PhotoPro Lite). Use for that this button:

rezz pose ball

move pose ball

prev anim

next anim

Load and Store setups

Rezzing a poseball is optional but it allows you to position your model with greater precision. However, you can use PhotoPro of course also without that option if you are in an area that does not allow you to rezz. Also, of course, you can have your model sit on other furniture or posestands of your own. Once your model is seated on a PhotoPro poseball you can also select the "Move" button and position and rotate your model to your likes.

  • Select an animation, either from the PhotoPro collection or from your own posestands. For the picture in this example the "stand 6" in the PhotoPro Animation collection has been used. You can scroll through the animations with the two arrows "previous" and "next" animation.

  • Load a setup. In this example the setup "sample 1" has been used. If your viewer supports EEP then this setup will change the sky as well as the sun texture and position the PhotoPro lights as well.

Now you can either position your camera and take your snaps or experiment with the various settings some more. Read below about the controls of your PhotoPro HUD.

Selecting your tool

You will find on top of your HUD various icons which will give you access to the lights, projector lights and the poseball. Note that the "move pose ball" button does not appear if the PhotoPro ball is not in use by your model. The buttons from left to right are:

  1. connector - which model are you working with? you can at any time, for example in group-scenes, switch the model that your HUD aims at by clicking that button

  2. Move poseball - rotate and position your model (only if using the PhotoPro poseball)

  3. three bulbs: move or colour or change settings for all three light sources in one go

  4. three single bulbs: move or colour or change settings for one of the three light sources, individually

  5. projector light: move or colour or change settings for the projector light source

Depending on your choice the HUD will offer you some or all of these buttons:

The settings

  1. Position - moves the selected item

  2. colour - what colour do you want the light to be? If you change the colour the corresponding attachment item will also change its colour. If you have selected a projector then you can also set a pattern in which the projector shall beam onto your model (2a)

  3. rotate - rotation is only available for the pose ball and for the projector - normal prim light sources radiate in 360°, so a rotation makes no sense

  4. active/non active - do you want the light source to emit light?

  5. light settings for intensity, radius and falloff, if you change the intensity the corresponding attachment item will also change its size

  6. stepsize - will affect position, rotation, intensity, radius and falloff

  7. Apply an EEP setting (read more about this option in the EEP chapter)

  8. the eye will show/hide all lights

Options 7 and storage do not apply for PhotoPro Lite

store it

The storage

Once you have set up all your details you can touch the store-button and save it. Via this button you can also load stored settings and delete them again.