EEP and animations

Add own settings and animations to your HUD easily (NOT PhotoPro Lite!)

To add a setting or animation into your PhotoPro HUD follow these steps:

(If the items that you wish to add have limited permissions (e.g. no modify, no transfer) it can be necessary to rezz the HUD to the ground before performing the following steps)

  1. Right mousebutton on your worn HUD and "Edit".

  2. Select in the newly popped up window the tab "Content"

  3. locate the EEP setting or animation that you wish to use with your HUD-menu in your inventory

  4. drag and drop the item from your inventory into the "content" of your HUD

  5. repeat steps 3 and 4 for every item you wish to add

  6. detach the HUD - and then wear it again. (or, if you have rezzed it to ground, collect it, then wear it) this forces the script to reload the changed inventory. Your EEP settings and animations are now available in the HUD