Lens properties

1. Characteristics of the active lens

In this area you will find the characteristics of the active lens, namely:

  • The focal range

  • The opening range

  • Minimum focus distance

You have the possibility to edit certain characteristics by clicking on the pencil icon or to delete a model added by you by clicking on the trash can icon.

2. Global lens parameters

In this area you will find the parameters that will apply to all lenses, namely:

  • The opening notation in decimal form or as a fraction of a stop

  • Filtering lens format compatibility

To limit the selection of lenses, it is possible to filter the lenses according to their format compatibility (35 mm, APS-C, 4/3, ...).

3. Management of favorites (only with the Pro version)

It is possible to define lenses as favorite (no limit on the number) to facilitate switching from one to another when you have several lenses.

Adding a lens to favorites is done by choosing the desired lens then clicking on the heart-shaped icon (turns red).

The selection of a lens in the favorites is done simply by clicking on it.

To remove a lens from favorites, just click on the heart-shaped icon (turns gray).

4. Lens repository

The selection of a lens in the repository is done simply by clicking on it or by carrying out a search (magnifying glass icon). The selected lens becomes the active lens for the various tools.

If your lens is not in the list, don't panic, you can add it yourself by clicking on the plus icon, then entering its characteristics.

Lens change shortcut (only with Pro version)

At the bottom right of each screen, you can access the choice of lenses by clicking on the lens icon.

Add / Modify a lens

Adding a lens is done by clicking on the plus icon and changing the active lens by clicking on the pencil icon.

If the lens is part of the application library (was not created by the user), it will not be possible to change the company name and the model name.

You must enter the characteristics of your lens, namely:

The focal range (min <-> max)

The opening range (max <-> min)

The minimum focusing distance (in m)

the lens format

To save them, just click on the floppy disk (top right).

And voila, the lens is now available!