Marching Band

The Northern Marching band has a decades-long history of providing high-quality, entertaining, award-winning performances.

Some of the honors they have earned

All students wishing to participate in the Northern Marching Band must be registered for a band class.

Any student that has some skills on an instrument is welcome to participate, without audition, HOWEVER: there *are* auditions for placement in the drum line as well as the color guard.  Each of those two units schedules audition clinics as well as 1 or two audition dates.  Please check back here often to stay updated on the auditions.

All students wishing to be in marching band must participate in Marching Band Camp (button to camp mailings below)

If you choose to used the PHASD online payments, it is helpful to have your student's student number handy

If you choose to used the PHASD online payments, E-Funds (not PHASD, not PHNBands) charges a 2.5% handling fee

Payments may be mailed to:
PO Box 596036, Fort Gratiot Michigan 48059-6036
Checks payable to PHNBands