Peer Reviewed Articles

Schrank, Phillip Gary. 2017 "The Rise of Populism and the Future of NATO." Global Politics Review 3 (2): 53-62.

ABSTRACT: The rise of populism in the last five years in both the United States and Europe has led some to question the power of NATO. Even though populism has a long and varied history in America and Europe, the common theme has withstood the test of time: people were sick of the so-called ruling elite and demanded change; a head of state and government that will speak for the common people. This paper sees NATO in its current form inimical to the rising era of populism. In order for NATO to survive, it must re-invent itself by combating the problems that have brought on the rise of populism; by retrenching back to its borders and by engaging Russia. If NATO is able to re-invent itself again, it will continue to play a key role in international peace and security.

Open Access Journal. Article can be found here.

Schrank, Phillip Gary. 2017. "Russia, Germany, the United States, and the Future of Europe." Journal of EU Society 5(1): 53-64.

ABSTRACT: The expansion of NATO has again become a hot topic since Russia annexed Crimea in 2014. There are several issues currently up for debate. First, what was promised to Russia after the collapse of the Soviet Union? Second, what effects has expansion had on the West’s relationship with Russia, and what has been Russia’s response to NATO expansion? Finally, after examining the past and current issues we can speculate on how the future will unfold. Will NATO continue to pursue expansion? Will Russia back down from its stance of opposing NATO expansion or will it continue to protect its borders and work to stop the expansion?

Graduate Student Journal of the KU GSIS European Society

You can find a copy of that article here.