About Me

I am currently a non-tenure track Assistant Professor of International Relations in the Department of Political Science and Diplomacy at Chosun University. You can find the department website here (in Korean).

At Chosun University, I have a dual purpose of teaching political science classes while using English as a Medium of Instruction (or CBI, or CLIL). Thus, I teach two semesters of "Political Science English" where I take a general one semester Introduction to Political Science course and split it into two semesters focusing on getting students to understand the basic concepts of Political Science in English. I also regularly teach Comparative Politics courses in American Politics and European Politics. Occasionally, I will teach classes in International Organizations, Readings in Political Science, and War and Peace.

Besides my work at Chosun University, I am a weekly correspondent on the "This Morning Gwangju" show on Gwangju Foreign Network (GFN). During the "This Morning International" segment, the Host, Arlo Matisz, and I discuss various newsworthy topics. 

I also work as a Publication Consultant and Academic Trainer for Editage.