
My Blog and Misc.

  • My blog

  • The Political Science Forum I started for South Korea based political scientists that has things such as job postings, conference calls, etc.

As I started my teaching career in ESL, I am still very active in the local ESL academic community, namely the Korea TESOL organization. I am a lifetime member of the association and have volunteered as an editor for the English magazine, English Connection; as National Treasurer of the organization; and most recently, I was elected Treasurer of the Gwangju chapter. I firmly believe that as long as I am teaching students whose first language is not English, KOTESOL and keeping abreast of EMI methods will continue to be important to me.

A long time ago, when I first came to Korea, I kept a blog, mostly for my friends and family back in the USA. Here is that blog, kept for eternity in the vast reaches of the internet.