Johan Manuel Redondo Ph.D.

Modeling and analysis of complex systems


Doctor in Automatic Engineering with a meritorious thesis from the National University of Colombia. Master's degrees in Environmental Management and Evaluation, University Teaching and Research, and Applied Mathematics. Bachelor's degree in Environmental Engineering.

Sustainability of Agricultural Landscapes

Led the sustainability analysis for the consultancy for the characterization, validation, and socialization of sustainable low-carbon production models for rice cultivation in the municipalities of Arauca (Arauca), Paz de Ariporo (Casanare), Villavicencio, Puerto López, and Puerto Gaitán (Meta), in the Colombian Orinoquia, for the World Bank through the Biocarbon Fund of Min Agriculture; developed and implemented the methodology for measuring the "agricultural production with green growth criteria" indicator of CONPES 3934; and developed the methodology of the Teeb AgriFood Colombia study carried out for the Sibundoy Valley by the Humboldt Institute, using Implication Networks for the systemic analysis of baseline and dynamic systems to understand the trend behavior of the recommendations obtained in the diagnosis.

Security and Emergencies

Carried out the consultancy for the identification of modeling methodologies that allowed recognizing conflict patterns within the Mission Information System of the Commission for the Clarification of Truth, with financing from the United Nations Development Program UNDP.

Was part of the team that set up the Command, Control, Communications, and Computing C4 Center in Bogotá. Developed the investment project 978: "Environmental Information and Modeling Center" in Bogotá.


Developed the methodology for the socio-environmental evaluation of the plans for the expansion of electric transmission and hydrocarbon transportation in Colombia.

Circular Economy

Worked with Gunter Pauli to generate opportunity plans in the metropolitan area of Bucaramanga (Colombia) and to model solutions to the problem of plastics on the planet.


Has been recognized as research excellence by the Catholic University of Colombia in 2019 and 2021. He has also been President of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics - Colombian Chapter (CoSIAM) for the periods 2017-2020 and 2023-2024 and Vice President of the Colombian Society of Dynamic Systems in the period 2013-2014.


Carried out a postdoctoral stay at the National University of Colombia - Manizales Campus, for the modeling and analysis of complex systems during the period jun2014-jun2015 and another postdoctoral stay with the University of Lima during the month of may2022 on informal settlements with the financing of AUIP.

Current position

He is currently a tenured research professor with senior classification from MinCiencias, director of the research group Economics and Sustainable Development with an A classification from MinCiencias at the Catholic University of Colombia. He carries out consultancy work on complex systems and teaches postgraduate courses at different universities. He is also the President of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics - Colombian Chapter (CoSIAM).