My First Jet (2023)

LFTBODLTR - Learn From The Best Or Die Like The Rest

"The only thing about a man that is a man is his mind. Everything else you can find in a pig or a horse." - Archibald MacLeish eg. #1

How do you teach 375 million people 'How to ride a Bike'? ...

How do you teach 375 million people 'The Billionaire's Game'?

eg, #1

eg. #2

eg. #3

"If I am going to make you wealthy , what are you going to pay me?" x = $6,000 = (an amount adjustable to ANY location on earth)

  1. Part 1 (minimize if possible) - If I pay you $6,000 (365 days x $16.44 per day) for groceries, you pay me $6,000 per year profit (or for your time & labour).

  2. Part 2 (minimize if possible) - If I pay you $6,000 (365 days x $16.44 per day) for housing, you pay me $6,000 per year profit (or for your time & labour).

  3. Part 3 (minimize if possible) - If I pay you $6,000 (365 days x $16.44 per day) for utilities (hydro, water, sewer, cell service, internet service) you pay me $6,000 per year profit (or for your time & labour).

  4. Part 4 (maximize whenever possible) - If I pay you $6,000 (365 days x $16.44 per day) for:

When to invest:

DO NOT work from the '(Elon Musk [face of the public] Leader position', be the 'Puppet Master' behind the curtain.

HI-performance people ...

"The Greatest Salesman that I ever knew."

Your wealth = $6,000 x (n = 1 to 25) , the faster you buy more (BLK) & (BRK.B) stock the wealthier you become over YOUR lifetime. eg.

Note #1 If you buy a car (or truck) for (n = $10,000 or $20,000 or $30,000 ... etc.), do you 'really' care that it is losing value by the day over its lifetime? Nope, so why would you care if your (BLK) & (BRK.B) stock (fluxuates a bit) over your lifetime if (each) share continually makes money year after year for YOU (on top of your original purchase price)?

Note #2 If you buy an acre of farmland for (n = $2,000 or $2,500 or $3,000 ... etc.), the cash return to YOU from renting it out to a farmer (after property taxes and GST) is around 2.5% to 4.0%.

  • $40,000 / 4.0% = $1,000,000 needed invested in farmland