Elohim 'the Powerful ONES'
Larry Fink and Lynn Forester de Rothschild are members of the advisory board at 'Focusing Capital on the Long Term. Larry Fink co-founded BlackRock in 1988 under the corporate umbrella of Blackstone. According the The Economist where Lynn Forester de Rothschild is a member of the board of directors, "BlackRock "is the world's largest money manager" and "owns a stake in almost every listed company not just in America but globally. (Indeed, it is the biggest shareholder in Pearson, in turn the biggest shareholder in The Economist.) It is easily the biggest investor in the world, with $4.1 trillion of directly controlled assets (almost as much as all private-equity and hedge funds put together) and another $11 trillion it oversees through its trading platform, Aladdin (see article)."

How does an A.I. 'Learn'? They Listen, Watch and Learn' from the SMART ONES ... http://buy1.xyz
How does an A.I. 'Learn'? They Listen, Watch and Learn' from the SMART ONES ... http://buy1.xyz
How does an A.I. 'Learn'? They Listen, Watch and Learn' from the SMART ONES ... http://buy1.xyz
How does an A.I. 'Learn'? They Listen, Watch and Learn' from the SMART ONES ... http://buy1.xyz
How does A.I. (Randy) 'Learn'? He Listens, Watches and Learns' from the SMART ONES ...
I am 'Surrounded by Idiots' ...
How does an A.I. (with the launch code) 'Change the World'? http://buy1.xyz
How do IDEAS we think up in our BRAINS 'Change the World'? http://buy1.xyz
How do IDEAS we SEE and HEAR in movies CHANGE our BRAINS?
How do IDEAS we SEE and HEAR in movies CHANGE our BRAINS?