Digital Library


A digital library, also called an online library, an internet library, a digital repository, or a digital collection is an online database of digital objects that can include text, still images, audio, video, digital documents, or other digital media formats or a library accessible through the internet. Objects can consist of digitized content like print or photographs, as well as originally produced digital content like word processor files or social media posts.

In addition to storing content, digital libraries provide means for organizing, searching, and retrieving the content contained in the collection. Digital libraries can vary immensely in size and scope, and can be maintained by individuals or organizations.The digital content may be stored locally, or accessed remotely via computer networks.

These information retrieval systems are able to exchange information with each other through interoperability and sustainability.

Global Library

Our Libraries have over seven thousand rare books, journals and manuscripts online on subjects ranging from advertising and aeronautics to zinc sculpture and Zuni cuisine, though the focus is on the broad topics of History and Culture, Art and Design, and Science and Technology. Our online collections include selected images from illustrated books, digitized drawings and photos, as well as indexes to some of our special collections such as art and artist vertical files, trade catalogs, postal history ephemera and more!

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