Work in progress

Working Papers 

Progressive Women, Conservative Men? Gender Gaps in Political Attitudes. With Carl Henrik Knutsen. (R&R in International Political Science Review)

How Group Appeals Shape Group-Party Linkages in Two Political Systems. With Henning Finseraas, Oliver Heath, and Kaat Smets. (R&R in Journal of Politics)

The Gendered, Long-Term Consequences of Automation Risk on Electoral Behaviour. With Bernt Bratsberg, Henning Finseraas, and Ole Røgeberg. (under review in Journal of Politics)

Citizens' reactions to democratic norm violations: Evidence from a depolarized, high-performing democracy. With Sirianne Dahlum and Tore Wig. (under review in West European Politics)

Paths to Power: A new dataset on the social profile of governments. With Jacob Nyrup, Carl Henrik Knutsen, and Ina Lyftingsmo Kristiansen. (under review in Journal of Politics)

Work in progress

Examining the political consequences of class in the 21st century: comparing old (Goldthorpe) and new (Oesch) class schemas. With Geoffrey Evans and Aleksei Opacic. 

Is the Working Class Authoritarian? A Global Analysis. With Carl Henrik Knutsen.

Political Cleavages and the Party System (chapter in Oxford Handbook of Norwegian Politics).

Working class demobilization in a universal welfare state (with Stine Hesstvedt).

Still going strong? The over-time development and political implications of class identification in four countries (with Rune Stubager and Stine Hesstvedt).

Affective polarization and citizens’ perception of left-right ideology in two political systems (with Henning Finseraas, Oliver Heath, and Kaat Smets).

Global Patterns of Political Representation (with Jacob Nyrup)