
I have been interviewed about the study of political behaviour by a number of national and international news outlets. These include newspaper interviews in major Norwegian outlets such as Aftenposten, Dagbladet, Dagens Næringsliv, Dagsavisen,, Klassekampen, NRK, and TV2 and international outlets such as Deutsche Welle or Global Finance. I have participated on various live radio shows for NRK and podcasts (e.g. for Agenda) and been interviewed live e.g. on TV2's main evening news broadcast. I have also written longer op-eds about political and electoral behaviour in Norwegian magazines such as Samtiden and Agenda Magasin, as well as in international outlets such as Spain’s largest newspaper El País and the political science blog Who Governs? Finally, I have held talks for various audiences including election nights (valgvaker), embassies, science festivals, political parties, government agencies, and associations. 

Essays and op-eds

Las elecciones en Noruega arrojan una amplia mayoría de izquierdas, pero ¿ahora qué? Op-ed in El País about the Norwegian 2021 elections.

The left wins, but is more fragmented than ever: the 2021 Norwegian general elections. WhoGoverns blog post on the Norwegian 2021 elections.

Det syke sosialdemokratiet. Essay in Samtiden on the fate of social democratic parties.

Klasseforskjeller dør ikke, de finner nye måter å uttrykke seg på. Op-ed on the role of social class in politics.