Swim courses and packages

JAMES "DOC" COUNSILMAN * (Olympic and hall-of-fame swimming coach from the United States) - 'the essence of coaching is to "question everything" for yourself. Accept no assumptions. Use your eyes. They are your best tool."

◉ Extended Video Analysis - 90 minutes. Film swimmer swimming from several angles in the water and above the water. Watch the video together with explanations and directions from the coach (all recorded ) and then practical work in the pool using exercises to improve technique . At the end of the session the swimmer will receive the full video analysis plus snapshots of problem areas, as well as videos of all the drills recommended. Highly recommended as an analytical tool to help every swimmer improve their technique and reduce their time to improve.

◉ Extended Video Analysis Package + 2 Private Training Lessons

◉ Remote Video analysis - Receiving swim footage from the swimmer via the internet. This package is similar to the first part of the extended video analysis above. Highly recommended for swimmers who do not have the time for an extended video analysis or live too far from where the coach trains.

◉ Private training session with coach

◉ Package / Course 6 lessons Private training with coach

◉ Package / Course 12 lessons Private training with coach

◉ Personal training program - Includes appointment to check your critical swimming speed and explain how it works

◉ Personal Swim Plan

◉ CSS training + CSS plan (find your critical swim speed and improve on it)

◉ Training for league swimmers - improve split accuracy

◉ Ramp Test - find your sweet spot

◉ HIIT - High intensity Interval training

◉ Workshops - Butterfly, Back Stroke, Breast Stroke

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