Santa Barbara Period Product Drive

Aid us in easing a health crisis that impacts all menstruating individuals!


A Quick Overview

Thank you very much for spending time on our website.  Below is a quick overview of Period Poverty and how you can support us. If you are interested, please feel free to navigate the rest of our website! 

What is Period Poverty? 

Period Poverty is defined as but not limited to a lack of access to menstrual products, scarcity of education, and inadequate hygiene facilitates.  

Our Goals 

Our aim is to provide as many period products to help support ending period poverty in the Santa Barbara area and to educate our community by normalizing the necessities that come with menstruation.  

How You Can Help 

During the week of May 1st- May 31st you can bring menstrual products and drop them off in our bins at these locations: any of the 13 Starbucks locations in Santa Barbara and Girls Inc. of Greater Santa Barbara Area - Goleta Valley Center. These products will be  donated to the Santa Barbara rescue mission and PATH. 



We were interviewed by Tracy Lehr from KEYT! Click the link below to read


Contact to get more information on the project