
In order to understand period poverty, it is helpful to have knowledge on menstruation itself. Menstruation is the process of discharging blood and other materials from the lining of the uterus at intervals of about one lunar month from puberty until menopause, except during pregnancy. On average, a menstruating individual experiences 450 period cycles in their lifetime. Many people have periods and are affected by this process. It is essential for menstrual products to be accessible.

4 Period Stages


days 1-5

lining of uterus is shed as a result of a lack of pregnancy


days 14-28

the luteinizing hormone increases resulting in ovaries releasing eggs


days 6-14

estrogen (a type of hormone) increases causing the lining of the uterus to thicken. FSH (a type of hormone) causes the follicles in ovaries to grow


days 15-28

after an egg is released from an ovary it travels to the uterus progesterone (a hormone) rises in preparation of pregnancy