Certified Trademark Clearances Lawyer at Perdomo Law

Trademarks are used to identify a company, a brand, or a product. To qualify as a trademark, the graphic must include a logo, picture, or name that is unique for the organization. A trademark aids a company in establishing a recognizable image in the eyes of the public. Customers can easily identify advertising and packaging that includes the trademark of a preferred business. Most businesses have trademarks that they use in all marketing mediums and on product packaging or the product itself.

What is Trademark Clearances?

Companies or individuals who choose to use a trademark do not automatically own it after it is created. Even if customers recognize the image as belonging to a specific company, the law does not prevent other businesses from using something similar. The only way to have legal ownership of a trademark is to register it so that other businesses cannot imitate the branding to steal customers away from the original company. The Lanham Act of 1946 established the United States trademark policy, allowing consumers to distinguish which company created which product.

How Trademark Clearances Help Companies

Trademark clearance Lawyers do more than just give trademark clearances and submit patent applications for their clients. If someone attempts to counterfeit an established trademark, trademark registrations can reduce the amount of litigation required. It enables businesses to easily get their negative reviews or complaints about them removed from public view when the complaint should have targeted another company.

People who use an unregistered trademark that confuses consumers with another company may be sued or face penalties. Penalties may be imposed even if the actions were unintentional. Businesses may incur losses if they are required to replace uniforms, business signs, and all other advertising as a result of losing the right to use their desired trademark. Changing all marketing materials for this reason, may cost the company to lose a client because it may appear deceptive or unprofessional.

Contact Fran Perdomo for a Legal Consultation

Any company seeking protection from the United States Patent Office (USPO) must hire a licensed Trademark Clearances Attorney in the United States. The attorney should be well-versed in trademark and patent law. If a conflict arises, only a lawyer licensed in the United States can represent their client before the USPO. Perdomo Law has experience with the patent process as well as representing clients before the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board. Contact us to know more.