Exclusive Song Agreements by Perdomo Law

Exclusive song agreements between writers and publishers allow songwriters to earn a consistent income while they create. The songs written by the artist during the term of the contract become the property of the publisher. A staff writer contract is another name for these documents. Because song royalties can take a year or more to begin, exclusive song agreements provide writers with income security. The writer is concerned that the contract details will benefit the publisher. Artists require an Exclusive Song Agreement Lawyer's assistance to ensure that they are adequately compensated for their efforts.

Song Rights Maintains

The publisher owns the song's rights under an exclusive song agreement. The publisher owns any work created by the artist during the contracted period. The songwriter can insist on receiving credit for their work to remain in their portfolio and be used in future negotiations.

Most exclusive song agreements do not give the songwriter any say over how publishers use the contract's work. The publisher owns the songs and may use them however they see fit.

Songwriters who are uncomfortable with assigning all of their rights to one publisher for everything written over one or two years may want to consider another type of agreement. An Individual Song Agreement allows writers and publishers to have a less exclusive arrangement. Songwriters can give publishers the rights to a song or a list of songs and work independently or collaboratively with other publishers at the same time.

Contact Perdomo Law NYC Exclusive Song Agreement Attorney Fran Perdomo for a Legal Consultation.