Registered authors should prepare and send their final manuscript along with the filled and signed copyright form to AND (cc) to by November 15, 2020.

For final manuscript preparation, please follow the next steps:

1. Revise and format your Paper

Please read the reviews of your paper and follow the reviewers' recommendations for revising it and preparing the final version. When you are done with the revision, please print out your paper and carefully proofread it. Review formatting requirements can be found at:

File names of accepted papers should be formatted as: 50727_title_of_the_paper

2. Use IEEE PDF eXpress to check if your paper is Xplore compatible.

The PDF eXpress website can be found at, and the conference ID for PEMWN 2020 is 50727X.

3. Download and complete the copyright form

File names of copyrights should be formatted as: CopyrightForm_title_of_the_paper

Here is the copyright form

4. Send your paper with the copyright from

Once your paper is validated by PDF eXpress, send it along with the copyright form to AND (cc) to using as mail object 50727_title_of_the_paper

Before Creating a PDF

Add the copyright notice to the bottom of the first page of your source document. Proofread your source document thoroughly to confirm that it will require no revision.

PDF eXpress instructions

Users should create a PDF eXpress account:

Log in to the IEEE PDF eXpress TM site ( )

1. Select the create account link.

2. Enter the following:

- 50727X for the Conference ID

- Your email address

- A password

3. Continue to enter information as prompted.

An Online confirmation will be displayed, and an email confirmation will be sent verifying your account setup.