
The Challenge:

Students solicit feedback on a podcast from instructor, peers, and others familiar to the Discourse, discipline, and/or topic and record a follow-up episode with new insights and a continuation of the previous recording. This offers students a chance to reflect on the learning experience, as well as to think through how their experience can be translated for their own scholastic or professional aims.

As was discussed in prior challenges, students engage in 'Capital-D' Discourses (Gee, 2015) in preparing, recording, producing, and promoting podcasts. In continuing their authentic engagement about discipline specific topics, issues, and questions, students should share their recordings with others and receive feedback.

Feedback can be solicited in the form of critiques as well as new insights, questions, and perspectives to consider around the topic at hand. Students can then keep the conversation going on follow-up podcast recording(s).

Gee, J. P. (2015). Discourse, small-d, big D. In K. Tracy, T. Sandel, & C. Ilie (Eds.), The international encyclopedia of language and social interaction (1-5). Wiley-Blackwell.