Episodes & Seasons

The Challenge:

Start a seasonal podcast in one of your courses that students host, produce, and promote.

  • As the instructor, develop a theme that can carry from class to class. Make sure the theme addresses constant learning objectives in your class, but remains open enough for students to make each season their own.

Leveraging the episodic and seasonal formats of podcasting is a natural way to integrate an ongoing podcast in a regularly offered course and archive past student recording for future students to consume.

As an example, Norsworth and Herndon (2020) detailed a seasonal podcast approach integrated each semester in leadership development program. Students hosted the episodes and interviewed media industry leaders and promoted their individual episodes via social media.

Dr. Gierhart is integrating a podcast 'season' assignment in his undergraduate Elementary Education science methods course in Spring 2022.

Norsworthy, C., & Herndon, K. (2020). Leading by ear: Podcasting as an educational leadership tool. Journal of Leadership Education, 19(3), 61–68.