Publications (in the reverse chronological order, the order of authorship is usually alphabetical):


On Fourier analysis of sparse Boolean functions over certain Abelian groups [pdf].

Advances in Polynomial Identity Testing [pdf][Survey].

Improved Lower Bounds for 3-Query Matching Vector Codes [pdf].

     Exponential lower bounds via exponential sums [pdf].

Weighted Sum-of-Squares Lower Bounds for Univariate Polynomials imply VP \ne VNP [pdf].

On the power of border width-2 ABPs over fields of characteristic 2 [pdf].

Fixed-parameter debordering of Waring rank [pdf].

Homogeneous algebraic complexity theory and algebraic formulas [pdf].


On the Variants of Subset Sum: Projected and Unbounded [pdf].

Efficient reductions and algorithms for Subset Product [pdf].


Weak-keys and key-recovery attack for  TinyJAMBU [pdf].

A Tale of Hardness, De-randomization and De-bordering in Complexity Theory [pdf].

Separated borders: Exponential-gap  fanin-hierarchy theorem for approximative depth-3 circuits [pdf].

On the hardness of monomial prediction and zero-sum distinguishers for Ascon [pdf].

Algebraic algorithms for variants of Subset Sum [pdf].


Demystifying the border of depth-3 algebraic circuits [pdf].

Arithmetic Circuit Complexity of Division and Truncation [pdf].

Deterministic identity testing paradigms for bounded top-fanin depth-4 circuits [pdf].

Real  tau-Conjecture for sum-of-squares: A unified approach to lower bound and derandomization [pdf].

A Largish Sum-of-squares Implies Circuit Hardness and Derandomization [pdf].


Discovering the roots: Unifying and extending results on multivariate polynomial factoring in algebraic complexity [pdf].

Discovering the roots: Uniform closure results for algebraic classes under factoring [Conference version].


A note on Faithful Coupling of Markov Chains [pdf]. 


Modular Inversion Hidden Number problem [pdf].