I am an Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science at NUS, and a Principal Investigaror at CQT. Before joining NUS/CQT, I was a post-doctoral researcher for two years each in the School of Computer and Communication Sciences at EPFL, and the Department of Computer Science at New York University. I completed my PhD under the guidance of Prof. Ueli Maurer at ETH Zurich in February, 2012. 


Research Interests:

Broadly speaking, I am interested in discrete structures and their applications in theoretical computer science. In particular, I am interested in the following:

Cryptographers think of me  as a theorist, and theorists think of me as a cryptographer. I like to think of myself as a theorist. Perhaps that makes me a cryptographer :)

Open positions:

I am looking for highly motivated PhD students and postdocs interested in all aspects of computational complexity, discrete mathematics, and algorithms. If you are interested, send me an email. These positions come with internationally competitive salaries and generous travel support. 

I am always happy to host very strong PhD students for a 2-3 month internship. If you are interested, please write to me. I don't invite undergraduate students for an internship. Undergraduates at NUS interested in research in theoretical computer science are always welcome. 

Link to our group research seminar


Group Members (present and past):

Graduate Students:
Zeyong Li, 2020-present
Rishav  Gupta, 2024-present
Saswata Mukherjee, 2024-present
Aditya  Morolia, 2024-present


Pranjal  Dutta,  2023-present
Rajeev  Raghunath,  2024 - present
Rucha Kulkarni, 2024 - present

Senior Research fellow:
Maciej Obremski, 2018-present

Regular visitors:

Alexander  Golovnev
Noah Stephens-Davidowitz
Siyao Guo


Eldon Chung: PhD student, 2020-2024 --> Lecturer, NUS
Rajendra Kumar: PhD student and postdoc, 2019-2022  --> Assistant Professor, IIT Delhi.
Erick Purwanto, PhD student, 2016-2019   -->   Teaching fellow,  XJTLU
Priyanka Mukhopadhyay, PhD student, 2016-2018  -->  postdoc, UToronto
Jianwei Li: Postdoc, 2018-2019  


Divesh Aggarwal, Antoine Joux, Miklos Santha, Karol Węgrzycki.


Divesh Aggarwal, Leong Jin Ming, Alexandra Veliche.
TCC 2024.  


Computational Complexity                    Sem 2, 2017-18, 2018-19, 2022-23

Introduction to Information Theory        Sem 2, 2016-17, 2021-22

Pseudorandomness                              Sem 1, 2018-19

Design and Analysis of Algorithms         Sem 1, Sem 4, 2019-20, Sem 1, 2020-21

Analysis of Boolean Functions.              Sem 2, 2022-23   

Introduction to Quantum Computing     Sem 2, 2023-24, 2024-25

Advanced Algorithms                           Sem 1, 2024-25

Professional Activities:

Program Committee: TCC 2016-B, SCN 2016, ICITS 2016, ICITS 2017, TCC 2018, SPACE 2018, Indocrypt 2019, NuTMIC 2019, Eurocrypt 2020, SCN 2020, ITC 2021, CRYPTO 2021, ANTS 2022, Asiacrypt 2022, FSTTCS 2022, AQIS 2023, PKC 2024, ITC 2024 (chair), EUROCRYPT 2025.

Editorial Board: Information Processing Letters (February 2021-present)

Organizing Committee: TCC 2010, AQIS 2018. 

Contact Information: 

   1. Centre of Quantum Technologies

       S15 #04-12

       National University of Singapore

       Block S15, 3 Science Drive 2

       Singapore 117543

   2. School of Computing

       COM3 #02-09

       11 Research Link

       Singapore 119391 

   Phone:   +65 6516 5628 (office)

               +65 6516 2911 (office)

   Email:   divesh@comp.nus.edu.sg
