Other publications

  • 2020. The territorial economic impact of COVID-19 in the EU. A RHOMOLO Analysis. Territorial Development Insights Series, JRC 121261, European Commission. [With Conte, Salotti and Sakkas]

  • 2018. Cohesion Policy 2007-2015: The RHOMOLO assessment, European Commission, Policy Insights JRC JRC114185.[With Persyn, Conte and Salotti,]

  • 2018. RHOMOLO V3:A Spatial Modelling Framework, European Commission Technical Reports JRC111861. [With many authors]

  • 2018. The third pillar of the Investment Plan for Europe: An impact assessment using the RHOMOLO model, European Commission Technical Reports 2018-02.[With Christensen, Conte, Di Pietro, Mandras and Salotti]

  • 2018. The impact of Cohesion Policy 2007-2015 in EU regions: Simulations with the RHOMOLO Interregional Dynamic General Equilibrium Model, European Commission Technical Reports 2018-03.[With Di Comite, Monfort, Persyn and Piculescu]

  • 2016. RHOMOLO-v2 Model Description: A spatial computable general equilibrium model for EU regions and sectors" European Commission Technical Reports 2018-03 JRC100011. [With many authors]

  • 2014. The Ocean of Tomorrow. An assessment of the Economic impact, on local and regional economies, of the large scale deployment. TROPOS EU 7 Framework, (2014). (with P., McGregor, J.K., Swales). [Report at http://www.troposplatform.eu/Deliverables-Media/Project-Deliverables/(oset)/10].

  • 2014. Economic Impact Study of the offshore renewable energy industry in the UK. Offshore Wind Power research.[ With McGregor, J.K., Swales] http://www.we-at-sea.org/library/generating-energy-and-prosperity-economic-impact-study-of-the-offshore-renewable-energy-industry-in-the-uk-by-ore-catapult/

  • 2013. The macroeconomic consequences of Scotland's renewable energy and climate change targets. In: New Economic and Energy Systems Perspectives on Scottish and UK Energy Policy, 2013-11-18 [with Allan, McGregor and Swales].

  • 2012. Econometric Estimation of Nested Production Functions and Testing in a Computable General Equilibrium Analysis of Economy-Wide Rebound Effects (May 7,2012). United States Association for Energy Economics - USAEE Research Paper Series. No. 2054122. [With Turner K, Lange I and S J Ha] http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.2054122