
  • Jan. 2022-Sept. 2022. EU TENDER: Study on the assessment of micro and macroeconomic returns of social protection expenditure (EMPL/2021/OP/0015). Financed by DG EMPL, European Commission. Acting as Expert on Task 2. Proposal submitted and won by Ecorys.

  • 2018- 2019. Jobs at risk of automation (as part of the collaboration between EU Commission and OECD). Some of the outcomes of this projects have been included in the OECD Regional Outlook 2019.

  • 2015- 2020. RHOMOLO EU Commission DG JRC.

  • 2015. Marine Alliance for Science & Technology Scotland Small Grant Funding; the MERIKA ( project funded by the European Union Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007–2013) under grant agreement n° 315925.