JuniorInfants May 11th to Friday 15th

Welcome back everybody. Hope you enjoy this week's activities...... Don't forget to look at the Aistear section at the end for some fun playing ideas for during the week.

Here is the Log In page for the Gill Explore.ie


I came across this lovely You Tube channel. It is about 10 mins long I would love if your child watched the programme a few times during the week and learned the dance that starts at 7.27mins. These are all actions and phrases that they know from school and a lovely way to get up and moving.

New Words ... for this week ....5 or 10 mins a day is plenty

We are finally getting some new words. They must be experts on their wordboxes now!!! Can you write out the following words on a piece of card if you have it or write them on the card from the inside of a cereal packet.... thats how I learned my words in the olden days!

buns bag table on are these are from our book

do they you your are from the Gill wesbsite

*You could also write out the following sentences, cut the words out and ask them to remake the sentences .... Where are the buns? Where is the bag? The buns are on the grass The bag is on the table .... any sentences at all you like.

*They can also practice rainbow writing over the words or making them with play dough.

*A really easy fun game to play towards the end of the week...... Sight Word POP

Write out the new words 2 or 3 times on pieces of paper and fold them up. The children might be able to do this themselves. Write out 5/6 of the other words that are in their word box. Now write out the word POP on 4 pieces of paper. Are they all folded? put them in a container. You can have 2/3 players. Each person takes a turn to pick out a pice of popcorn (the folded up words!) and reads the word. If the player can read it they can keep it. If they can't read it another player can steal it by calling out the word however ... if a player picks up a pice of paper that says POP they must return all their pieces to the container. The winner is the person who has the most pieces when there are no pieces left or whenthe time if up!

*Another lovely game is to play sight word hopscotch..... Draw a hopscotch outside and write one of the new words on each square. Throw a stone on on any word and they must hop from square to square chanting each word til they land on the square with the stone on it!!


Literacy Unit 6

Oral Language

As usual we are going to Log In to the Gillexplore.ie website and Today we are starting on Unit 6. The theme is the Vet. We have covered a lot of this at school so the children should be well able for the activities.

We will start off with the Oral Language and Interactive Resources section and look at the poster in Story Mode. Have areally good look at the picture. Can your child name the animals? Which are farm animals and which are pets, can they name 5 wild animals? 5 insects, 5 birds

Encourage them to look at each person in the picture and say who they are, what they are doing. What items can you see in the picture and why might each animal be at the vet. It is important to do this before listening to the story please. Remember the 5 W's.....!

New words to use with the children: leaflet, medication, vaccination, perscription, injure, worried, details ..... they should know a lot of these already from the doctor theme.

Then listen to the story please a few times asking a few questions each time.

Then we will return to the other interactive resources by clicking on the little yellow house on the left hand side. Click on the interactive Nursery Rhyme and practise saying the poem. Tey should be able to say this by themselves by Friday if they don't know if off by heart already.

Now we are ready for a game of Heads Up. Take turns with an adult or brother and sister. One must not be able to see the screen. Describe the picture. what does it look like? What does it eat? How many legs? what is it covered in. Then swap places. Who got the highest score? this can be played with any cards or toy animals you have handy also. It is a great game to get them using their language skills. Next they can play the first Listening game which will help them to learn the sight words do they you and your. We will do the other games during the week.

Back to the main menu and please select the Genre Story eReader called Lamb Goes To The Vet. This book will help your child understand what a report it and we will practising saying and giving reports all this week. Have a quick look throughthe books pictures first and ask them to think what will the story be about.... the 5 W's again! Then let them listen to the story by clicking the play buttons.

Look at the reports on pages 8 and 9 . It is a report about a baby lamb. It begins by saying what the subject is. Lambs are baby sheep. Then the report describes what a lamb looks like, what it eats, where the sheep lives and some interesting facts. Can you please point out that photographs and illustrations are often used and draw attention to the describing words please. There is another report about chickens on pages 11 and 12.

Then please ask your child to think of their favourite animal and give you a report on it. Say what it is, what it looks like, eats and where it lives. Do they know an interesting fact about it. Have they a picture of it.

Now for a bit of a break! You need to do some swimming practise

Handwriting :

Practice writing out your new words in your best handwriting!

Jolly Phonics .....

Today we are going to practise the w sound. After the video please go on a w sound hunt and draw a picture of everything you find and write the letter w underneath please! Whos's name starts with a w in our class. Can you think of other names that start with W...... there are lots!


are you ready for some counting? Also practise saying the days of the week..... What is today? Yesterday? Tomorrow? go and have a look out the window and describe the weather just like we do at school where you are using 3 words, Today in Newcastle West it is cool, cloudy and breezy. What is your weather like. Can you say all the days of the week by yourself! Go and count all the doors in your house today please. Can you also check how many sinks you have and then coung how many taps you have!

Then can you do Page 57 in your Figure it Out please

StoryTime .... it is called Mog and the V.E.T.

We really enjoyed this book at school. Ask the children what they can remember about it before they listen to it. We are going to have 2 other Mog stories this week




Back to the Gill website. Can you openup the Genre Story eReader again and listen to the story Lamb goes to the Vet again please.

Ask your child...... I wonder what the vet popped his head out means? I wonder What does when he is back on his feet means. Can they try and use these phrases during the day or even the week. Give them a star each time they use them! You will get some very interesting sentences!

Look at the reports again about the lamb and the chicken.. Ask your child to think about giving a report about a horse. what is it? (animal/bird?thing/person). what does it look like? where does it live? What does it eat? What is a baby called? Can they pretend they are on tv giving a news report on a horse. They might need to practise this a few times. If they find it easy ask them to think of other animals or birds and make up reports about them.

Back to the Oral Language and Interactive Resources section now please in Unit 6. Select the Oral Langauge poster again but this time in Explore Mode. Dont forget to have fun trying out all the little circles under the picture but you must answer the 10 questions and play the I Spy game! The question matk and eye circles.

Say Little Bo Peep again. I wonder why she lost her sheep. I wonder what kind of trouble she will get into!

Click on the yellow house and play the first Listening Interactive activity again. When they are finished with that they can go back to the main menu and click on the final sounds circle. They need to say the word a few times and emphasise the sound at the end and click onthe correct letter. They can also play the rest of the activities now if they wish or save them till tomorrow. The matching memory cards is tricky! It is based on rhyming words ending in the ig sound. Please get them to practise saying each word when they flip the card. You will have to tell them the words the first few times but they should be well able by the end of the week. The Ballon Pop game is based on sight words they should be familiar with already.


Count all the cups in your press,now all the big plates and then all the small plates please. Be very careful and make sure an adult is with you!

Page 58 in your Figure it Out please and then watch this cool counting bugs video. Count along with Caitie and then when you are outside later have a good look around and see how many bugs you can find! and then have a brain break!

SESE..... Explore with Me

Think about how people used to travel long ago... then watch this short video.

Look at page 47 of your Explore witMe. Can you match the old to the new pictures. Can you name the main differences between each one? Has anything stayed the same for these types of transport.

Story Time.........




Log in to the Gill Website again please but this time select the Non Fiction Reader eBook. It is called The Vet. Look at the front and back covers with your child first please and discuss what the book is about and what they might learn. Some excellent tips on the inside front and back covers to help you read this book with your child. Look through the pictures first and then click on the yellow triangles to hear the book being read or you might prefer to read it to and with your child. Can they point out the sords they know? What was their favoutite animal in the story? What was the most intersesting fact..... I did not know that horses had the 2 of the biggest eyes amongst animals! Can you ask your child to make up a report on an animal in this story please.

Oral Language

Next back to the main menu and the Oral Language and Interactive Resources. Open the Poster again please. Today we are going to use our 5 senses to look at it........ What can you see? What can you hear? What can you smell? What can you taste? and What can you touch? Look at the characters in the waiting room and disuss what each one is thinking or saying.

Now please ask your child to say the rhyme Little Bo Peep but in different voices.....a quiet voice, worried voice, an angry voice and any another voice your child would like!

Now play the rest of the Interactive games in this section please for a little while.

Just Phonics....

Today can you please look at the Squiggles letter w video and when you are finished can you do the w page in your Just Phonics book and draw the items from the story in the empty box at the top of the page. Then can you please do the hand writing page for w ... the one with the wand witch and wizard. We will do the other one tomorrow.

Remember to sing along with Squiglet when she saying the alphabet!


Sing along with the monkeys counting!

Counting ...... Count all the clothes pegs you have....... count how many cushions you have!

Do page 59 in your Figure it Out please.

SESE...Water ......

What do you know about water? where can you find it? What can you do with It? When do we drink it? who uses it for their job? Why is it so important? Discuss these questions with your child before watching this videp and ask the to listen very carefully and be able to tell you 3 new facts about water after the video!!

StoryTime.... Do you think Mog likes Water or Rainy days? Do you like rainy days?.... Why? Do you like the dark? Why? We are making connections with the story......Enjoy!




Gill Website please Unit 6 Fiction Reader eBook ..... Show and Tell......

Look at the front and back covers.... Discuss what the story might be about. encourage them to use the phrase "I wonder......." we ofter say at school to think about clouds of wonder and explore what the book might be about before reading it.

Loads of excellent tips on front and back covers for you to help with reading the book. Click on the yellow arrows to listen to the story and then read the story with your child a few times encouraging them to join in as much as possible. Can they practise sounding out a few words!

Next it's back to Interactive Resources to play the games for a little while.


Report .......For todays report I would like them to pick a person that they can talk to in the house or ring up and ask them some questions! Where do they live? What is their favourite colour? What is their favourite food? What their favourite hobby is? any other interesting facts? and then pretend that they are again on tv giving a report about them! for example a report about me would be ......

Here is a report about Miss Noonan. She is my teacher. She is tall and bossy. She lives in Newcastle West. Her favourite colour is yellow and she loves to read books. She has 2 dogs called DaisyBoo and Lollie!

I am sure they might have some other details to give too!!!! This is a lovely activity to do with relatives that they haven't seen for a while and they could draw a lovely picture afterwards using the information that they have gathered!

Handwriting and Just Phonics.....

Finish the 2 w pages in each book please.


Find some 1c, 2c, 5c and 10c coins ......... organise them into sets.......... How many is in each set........ can you arrange them in order of size,,,,, look carefully at each coin ..... which ones have the same pictures on the back? which are different and why? (different symbols for each country in the European Union) Can you make your sets now in a different way. Now can you do page 63 of your Figure it out. We will come back to the pages we skipped next week


Lets stick with History and learn a little about the Wright Brothers today. Can you remember what we learned about Amelia Earhart last week? When you have finished this video can you please think about inventing a new machine..... Remember Orin (green character who lives in a castle) in our stories loved inventing..... what tools will you need? What can it do...... what materials would you use to build it? Can you draw a picture of it......

Story Time...... a lovely rhyming story by one of our favourite authors!



Go back to the Gill website please and do the Interactive Activities one more time and listen to one of the books again. You might like to play some of the games from Units 1-5 again if you are allowed.

We are going to finish with a short film today. It is called Simon's Cat. The cat needs to visit the vet but when it gets home it decides to get even with its owner.... Can you predict some of the things the cat might do to get revenge????

Now watch the film and see were you right. Can you draw a picture of your favourite part of the story please when you are finished. Put in as much detail as possible please.


Today can you count how many trees you can see outside..... How many cars pass by your house... Now you choose some good things to count!!


Today I would like you to learn and practise this song til you can sing some of it off by heart and perform it for your family. Dont forget all the actions!!!

How many musical instruments can you name? what sound do they make..... Have a watch and listen and see how you get on..... can you name some more now! My favourite is the Xylophone...... what is yours??


You might like to look at this video and see can you do a few simple experiments at home. Make sure you have an adult with you

Alovely story to finish off the week

Aistear...... fun play activities

Role Play and Imaginative Play

Can you set up a vet's surgery... you might like to collect up some toy animals, make some signs- vets surgery, open/closed, an appointment sheet, a phone and some medical equipment. Make some posters for the waiting area ....... remember all teh details fromthe Oral Language poster. Use your imagination. We did this activity at school. If you have a farm set... pretend to be a vet visiting the farm anc check up on the animals!


Build a home for an animal....... a hutch..... a barn...... a stable ...... a pig sty........a pond..... choose oneor choose them all and build a farm!


Check out your recyling bin..... can you build a carrier to bring an animal to the vet! Draw an outline of a bird..... can you glue on some pieces of scrap paper for feathers?

Sensory Play

Have you some toy plastic animals..... I bet they need a good scrub! get an old tooth brush and give them a good wash and then dry them very cardfully after words. .... If you have a sand pit play with your animals there, ask some one to hide them and then you could try and find them by digging for them with a small spoon! Make some playdough animals! Maybe you could help to wash the car or your bicycle or scooter!

Small World.....

Get your small toy animals out and sort them into pet or zoo animals and set up a mini vets office..... I bet being a vet for a zoo would be great fun... Remember the story of Mog at the vet... make up lots of different illnesses and injuries for each animal.

I hope you all had a nice week and enjoyed some of the activities. Please just do what you are able for and don't worry about doing everything. Do what works best for your child.

Please let me know if there is anything at all I can do to help.

Take care and sending you all lots of good wishes and positive thoughts,

Siobhan Noonan