Recent papers

Do Workfare Programs Live Up to Their Promises? Experimental Evidence from Cote d'Ivoire. With Marianne Bertrand, Bruno Crépon and Alicia Marguerie.

Do Public Works Programs Have Sustained Impacts? A Review of Experimental Studies from low- and middle-income countries. With Aanchal Bagga, Marcus Holmlund, Nausheen Khan, Subha Mani and Eric Mvukiyehe. Revise and Resubmit, World Bank Research Observer.

Social Accountability and Service Delivery, Experimental Evidence from Uganda. With Nathan Fiala. Revise and Resubmit, Journal of Development Economics.

How Culturally Wise Psychological Interventions Help Reduce Poverty. With Catherine Thomas, Thomas Bossuroy, Soumaila Abdoulaye Sambo, Hazel Marcus and Gregory Walton.

Texting Parents about Early Child Development: Behavioral Changes and Unintended Social Effects. With Oscar Barrera, Karen Macours and Renos Vakis.

Savings Facilitation or Capital Injection? Impacts and Spillovers of Livelihood Interventions in Post-Conflict Côte d’Ivoire. With Alicia Marguerie.


Journal Articles

Premand, Patrick and Bruno Crépon.  Direct and Indirect Effects of Subsidized Dual Apprenticeships. Conditionally Accepted, Review of Economic Studies.

Premand, Patrick and Dominic Rohner. 2024. Cash and Conflict: Large-Scale Experimental Evidence from Niger. American Economic Review: Insights.

Bossuroy, Thomas, Goldstein, Markus; Karimou, Bassirou; Karlan, Dean; Kazianga, Harounan; Premand, Patrick; Thomas, Catherine C.; Udry, Chris; Parienté, William; Vaillant, Julia and Kelsey A. Wright. 2022. Tackling psychosocial and capital constraints to alleviate poverty. Nature

Macours, Karen; Premand, Patrick and Renos Vakis, 2022. Transfers, Diversification and Household Risk Strategies: Can productive safety nets help households manage climatic variability?, The Economic Journal.

Premand, Patrick and Quentin Stoeffler. 2022. Cash Transfers, Climatic Shocks and Resilience in the Sahel, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management.

Premand, Patrick and Oumar Barry. 2022. Behavioral Change Promotion, Cash Transfers and Early Childhood Development. Experimental Evidence from a Government Program in a Low-income Setting. Journal of Development Economics, Volume 158.

Premand, Patrick and Pascale Schnitzer. 2021. Efficiency, Legitimacy and Impacts of Targeting Methods: Evidence from an Experiment in Niger. World Bank Economic Review 35(4): 892-920.

Alaref, Jumana; Brodmann, Stefanie and Patrick Premand. 2020. "The Medium-Term Impact of Entrepreneurship Education on Labor Market Outcomes: Experimental Evidence from University Graduates in Tunisia." Labour Economics 62:101787.

Stoeffler, Quentin; Mill, Brad and Patrick Premand. 2020. "Poor Households’ Productive Investments of Cash Transfers: Quasi-experimental Evidence from Niger." Journal of African Economies 29(1): 63-89.

de Hoop, Jacob; Premand, Patrick; Rosati, Furio and Renos Vakis, 2017."Women’s Economic Capacity and Children’s Human Capital Accumulation." Journal of Population Economics 31, pp. 453-481.  

Premand, Patrick; Brodmann, Stefanie; Almeida, Rita; Grun, Rebekka; and Mahdi Barouni, 2016. ”Entrepreneurship Education and Entry into Self-Employment Among University Graduates”. World Development, 77, pp. 311-327. 

Premand, Patrick and Renos Vakis, 2010. “Do Shocks Affect Poverty Persistence? Evidence from Welfare Trajectories in Nicaragua”, Well-Being and Social Policy Vol. 6(1), Special Issue on Natural Disasters in Latin America. 

Premand, Patrick, 2010, “Hurricane Mitch and Consumption Growth of Nicaraguan Agricultural Households”, Well-Being and Social Policy Vol. 6(1), Special Issue on Natural Disasters in Latin America.


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Gertler, Paul J.; Martinez, Sebastian; Premand, Patrick; Rawlings, Laura B. and Christel M. J. Vermeersch, 2016. Impact Evaluation in Practice, Second Edition. World Bank, Washington DC

Gertler, Paul J.; Martinez, Sebastian; Premand, Patrick; Rawlings, Laura B. and Christel M. J. Vermeersch, 2011. Impact Evaluation in Practice. World Bank, Washington DC.

Book, book chapters, policy publications and permanent working papers

Bossuroy, Thomas; Koussoube, Estelle and Patrick Premand. 2020. Constraints to Productive Employment Faced by Safety Nets Beneficiaries in the Sahel: Results of a Multi-Country Qualitative Assessment. World Bank, Washington, DC. 

Christiaensen, Luc; and Patrick Premand (editors). 2017. Côte d'Ivoire Jobs Diagnostic: Employment, Productivity, and Inclusion for Poverty Reduction. World Bank, Washington. 

Barry, Oumar, Mory Maidoka, Ali and Patrick Premand, 2017. "Promoting positive parenting practices in Niger through a cash transfer programme." Early Childhood Matters

Hatzimasoura, Chrysanthi; Premand, Patrick and Renos Vakis. 2017. Productive Transfers, Intra-household Bargaining and Empowerment Evidence from a Randomized Trial in Nicaragua. World Bank, Washington DC. 

Filmer, Deon; Fox, Louise; with Karen Brooks; Aparajita Goyal; Taye Mengistae; Patrick Premand; Dena Ringold; Siddharth Sharma; and Sergiy Zorya, 2014. Youth Employment in Sub-Saharan Africa, Africa Development Forum Series, World Bank, Washington DC. 

Macours, Karen; Premand, Patrick and Renos Vakis, 2013. Demand Versus Returns? Pro-Poor Targeting of Business Grants and Vocational Skills Training. Policy Research Working Paper No. 6389, World Bank, Washington DC.

Naudeau, Sophie; Martinez, Sebastian; Premand, Patrick and Deon Filmer, 2011. "Cognitive Development Among Young Children in Low-Income Countries", in H. Alderman, 2011. No Small Matter: The Impact of Poverty, Shocks and Human Capital Investments in Early Childhood Development, Human Development Perspectives Series, World Bank, Washington DC.