Ongoing Research

Papers in progress (fieldwork completed)

Promoting Livelihoods, Productive Inclusion and Resilience among the Poor: Multi-country RCT of the Sahel Adaptive Social Protection Program. With Thomas Bossuroy, Markus Goldstein, Dean Karlan, Harounan Kazianga, Chris Udry, William Parienté, and Julia Vaillant.

Personal initiative” versus “interpersonal initiative: testing the psychological, social, and economic effects of two models of women’s agency in Niger. With Catherine Thomas, Thomas Bossuroy, Markus Hazel and Gregory Walton.

Climate and Resilience in World Food Program Interventions: Experimental Evidence from Several Countries. With Paul Christian, Serge Adjognon, Chloe Fernandez, Jonas Heirman, Marcus Holmlund, Erin Kelley, Greg Lane, Hanna Paulose, Theresa Schneider, Iva Trako.

Experimental Evidence from an Early Childhood Parenting Intervention in Nicaragua. With Karen Macours, Norbert Schady and Renos Vakis.

Long-Term Impacts of Cash Transfers, Productive Safety Nets, and Parenting Interventions: 10-year Follow-up of the Atención a Crisis Pilots. With Karen Macours and Renos Vakis 

Projects in the field

What is the Value of Early Response? Multi-country RCT of Shock-responsive Cash Transfers in the Sahel. With Ashley Pople, Thomas Bossuroy, Stefan Dercon, Stephanie Brunelin and Margaux Vinez.

The Medium-term Impacts of Dual Apprenticeships on Youths in Côte d’Ivoire. With Bruno Crépon and Eva Lestant

Promoting economic inclusion at scale through self and wage employment support. With Aidan Coville and Dahyeon Jeong