Who We Are

We are a diverse and united coalition of families within the Pathfinder community. In a spirit of community, with a commitment to accountability and transparency, we have come together to demand change for the safety of our kids and to put an end to civil rights violations. 

The families in this coalition represent a mix of backgrounds including BIPOC, queer, single-parent, and neurodiverse families. The children we care for range from those in general education to those who require special services. Our working backgrounds include former educators and equity advocates who are deeply invested in the public education system. 

Many of us have only known the current administration at Pathfinder and have supported, encouraged and wanted them to excel. Representation is key, and we believe that educators and administrators play a crucial role in shaping our children's lives. We recognize the importance of Black leadership and fully understand the positive impact it can have on all students, especially our BIPOC children. While we have hoped for the success of the current administration, we can no longer remain isolated in our experiences. 

Over the 23-24 school year, we slowly began to lift our eyes from our individual circumstances and look around to see that many others were seeing the same distressing things we were seeing—and in some cases had been seeing over the past few years. Safety issues like violence and bullying going unaddressed. Sexual harassment and assault going unreported. Children with disabilities being denied the right to a free appropriate public education. Many of us only saw our piece of the puzzle. Many of us thought we were alone in our experiences. But when we began to speak to one another, we began to see that one family’s experiences often mirrored or explained another’s. We began to realize we were not alone. We were in fact all together—together in a dysfunctional system. 

And then we realized another, very important thing we had in common. When we sought help with our issues, things didn’t get better. Often, they got worse. The lack of care, communication, and leadership displayed by the Pathfinder administration has been a common thread in our experiences. It has created an environment of fear and intimidation for those who speak up, hindering students, teachers, and the entire learning community. That’s how we knew it was time to come together. And so we became united, with all the strengths of our differences and all the power of our numbers, to work for change.

We are here now, demanding accountability for the safety and well-being of our children—ensuring they receive the necessary support and services guaranteed by law. Change is imperative. We need experienced and effective leadership, for the betterment of our children and the entire school community.

Join us in our mission for change at Pathfinder.