Pathfinder Families

A diverse coalition of families demanding change and accountability at Pathfinder for the safety and well-being of students and teachers


Annoucements & Updates









For Immediate Action

Read and sign our letter requesting resignation and reassignment of the current administration and replacement with a new team, one with a dedicated and demonstrated commitment to the safety and well-being of all our students and teachers. 

Signatures collected via this form are privileged and confidential. No names, student grades, or other personal or potentially personally identifying information will be posted anywhere. Signatures delivered to Pathfinder Administration and SPS Administration on 5/15 were done with clear language about the privileged and confidential nature of these signatures.

Pathfinder Families letter to Pathfinder Admin, cc SPS – Administration Request for Resignation/Reassignment

Pathfinder Families letter to Pathfinder Admin cc SPS – Administration Reassignment.pdf

Your Voice Matters

As of 10:30AM, Tuesday, May 21, 2024: 351 signatures collected

We are Pathfinder Families

We are coming together to combat isolation and intimidation of families and demand an end to inaction by Pathfinder administrators. We demand a safe learning environment for all students and teachers. We demand an end to civil rights violations. Join us today.

Other Ways To Help

Most importantly: connect with your community. Share your stories. Share our site and join our effort for accountability.

Please fill out our informational survey so we can better understand not just your family's experience but gain a wider picture of the current state of Pathfinder. 

Read and share our letter to Pathfinder caregivers (current, former, and future) about the state of our school and what is at stake. 

Coalition Building and Collective Action

Coming together in a spirit of community and transparency to demand accountability from Pathfinder administrators and Seattle Public Schools.

Data Gathering

Gathering a clear, concise, data-focused picture of the current state of Pathfinder to enact meaningful change.