
Timelines of Events 

Timelines compiled from parents across multiple grades at Pathfinder K-8 showing not just a long history of dysfunction, lack of care and communication, inability to deal with safety concerns, refusal of IEP/504 services from Pathfinder Administration but also a refusal by SPS to hold Admin accountable.

Navigate through the various timelines to better understand the bigger picture issues at play and, most importantly, why Pathfinder needs an administration with a demonstrated commitment to safety and protecting student civil rights.

2023-24 Kindergarten Timeline

Kindergarten families across all three classes have spent nearly the entirety of the 2023-24 school year attemping to deal with student safety issues, particularly as concerns students with higher support needs who are neither being referred for nor receiving services. Throughout is a lack of support for teachers and staff, a lack of communication from Pathfinder Administration, and a lack of actionable solutions. Parent attempts to escalate concerns to the District level are dismissed and stonewalled at every opportunity.

Read the full timeline here

2023 Parent Advocacy Timeline

Five Pathfinder families present the concerns of 21 total families to the District to attempt to address issues around safety, communication, retaliation against teachers, and an inability to deliver services to students with IEP/504 support. District officials leave parents hanging for months at a time and do not fully address parent concerns, even as new, extremely concerning safety issues are raised.

Read the full timeline here