The Journal of the Philippine Association for Technology in    Home Economics of State Colleges and Universities, Inc.

2023 publication!!

Our November 2023 issue is out!

The new cover of the journal features the elements of the PATHESCU logo - the focus of our praxis, which is the family, our study areas like food, clothing, shelter, family life and child development, and technology and livelihood as well as service industries. 
The color scheme is based on the colors of the organization - blue and gold.

Cover Design Artist: Ken F. Reandelar
The Journal of PATHESCU is the official journal of the Philippine Association for Technology in Home Economics of State Colleges and Universities, Inc., an SEC registered national professional organization for home economics. 
Commitment to Academic Excellence Research articles accepted for possible publication should embody and reflect the objectives of the organization, which is primarily to promote the development of Home Economics in the Philippines particularly in state colleges and universities through education, research, or extension service related to individuals, families, and households.
Established ReputationThe journal is published yearly since 2000 and printed volumes are distributed during the annual general membership meeting and conference of the organization. Selected copies of the journal are also available in the library of the College of Home Economics in UP Diliman. At the height of the pandemic in 2020-2021, the review & publication process was temporarily suspended until it was resumed in 2022 where e-copies from the 2017 edition up to the present are made more accessible to the general public.

Archived Online Publication

Address: Room 222 Alonso Hall, Ma. Regidor St. cor. Quirino St.
College of Home Economics, University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City