class ix
Lesson 1 : Tales of Bhola Grandpa - Manoj Das
Exercise 1
Tick the correct answer from the given alternatives:
1. In the bokal tree there lived
(a) crows
(b) monkeys
(c) tigers
(d) sparrows
2. On the way back from the festival, Bhola Grandpa tightly held on to the two fingers of his
(a) son
(b) cousin
(c) grandson
(d) nephew
3. Agang of pirates were burying a
(a) large box
(b) small box
(c) large bag
(d) small bag
4. Bhola Grandpa was returning from the
(a) yearly market
(b) monthly market
(c) daily market
(d) weekly market
5. Bhola Grandpa died at the age of
(a) eighty-five
(b) ninety-five
(c) fifty-five
(d) seventy-five
Exercise 2
Answer the following questions within fifteen words:
(a) When did Bhola Grandpa let out a loud wail?
Ans: Bhola Grandpa suddenly realised that his grandson was not with him and he had lost him then let out a loud wail.
(b) Where had the grandson found a cosy shelter?
Ans: The grandson of Bhola Grandpa took a cosy shelter under a cow’s belly.
(c) What request did Bhola Grandpa make to the first man he saw on the mound?
Ans: Bhola Grandpa requested the first man he saw to give him some water to drink.
(d) How old was Bhola Grandpa’s wife when he died?
Ans: Bhola Grandpa’s wife was eighty years old when he died.
Exercise 3
Answer the following questions within twenty-five words:
(a) Why was no real treasure found under the sand dunes?
Ans: Because it was all a dream of that Bhola Grandpa saw during his midday nap.
(b) What did the tiger do after Bhola Grandpa had climbed up the banyan tree?
Ans: The tiger roared loudly and circled the banyan tree for about a hundred times and it settled down under a bush.
(c) What was the reason of Bhola Grandpa’s death according to his wife?
Ans: According to Bhola Grandpa’s wife, the old Bhola Grandpa must have forgotten to breathe.
Grammer in use:
Exercise 4
Change the mode of narration of the following sentences:
(a) Bulbuli said to his friend, “Will you come tomorrow?”
Ans: Bulbuli asked his friend if she would go the next day.
(b) Paulami says,” I am fine.”
Ans: Paulami says that she is fine.
(c) The teacher said to the students, “Keep quiet.”
Ans: The teacher told the students to keep quiet.
(d) My mother said to me, “May your dreams come true.”
Ans: My mother wished me that my dreams might come true.
(e) The students said,” Sir, please allow us to play in the field.”
Ans: The students requested their Sir that they might be allowed to play in the field.
Exercise 5
In each of the sentences of the following passage some articles and prepositions are used in an incorrect manner. Underline them and replace them with the appropriate ones:
On an winter night I was aboard a boat. It was a moonlit night full on stars. The boat was anchored up a great river. I was thrilled to see a beauty of nature.
Ans: On an a winter night I was aboard a boat. It was a moonlit night full on of stars. The boat was anchored up to a great river. I was thrilled to see a the beauty of nature.
Exercise 6
Write a dialogue within 100 words on the need to ban the use of animals like tigers and lions as circus attractions:
Hints: wild animals decreasing, ill treatment to animals in circuses-criminal offence-laws against such-need to be humane to animals
Here is a dialogue on the need to ban the animals in circus:
Suman: Raju! How are you ? Where are you coming from ?
Raju: Hello Suman! I am coming from a circus show?
Suman: Oh, That’s great! How enjoyable was the show?
Raju: Yes, it’s really amazing. But one thing hurts me.
Suman: Really, What’s that?
Raju: Animals like tigers and lions that are in a cage. Even they are tortured to jump through fire.
Suman: You are absolutely right. It is very painful! They are fallen victims to the ruthless torture, negligence, and malnutrition.
Raju: They show their tricks with life risk.
Suman: There are many laws to protect wild animals. But the corrupt circus owners do not want to obey anything.
Raju: The government should be strict to maintain law and order in this matter.
Suman: I think so! And at the same time, public voice should be raised against the nexus.
Raju: Absolutely! Oh, I am going to attend a tuition class!
Suman: Ok! See you!
Raju: Ok! Bye
Exercise 7
Write a story within 100 words using the given hints. Give a title to the story:
Hints: returning from educational excursion by bus-night journey-sudden breakdown-tyres punctured-had to wait for two hours at a lonely place-tyres fixed-back home
A Horrible Bus Journey
The excursion of our school to Shantiniketan being over, we started returning on the third afternoon. We had to cross a notorious jungle famous for dacoity, snatching etc. being aware of the danger, the driver of our bus picked up speed. Suddenly, we startled at a bursting sound midway in the dark jungle. Two tyres of our bus were punctured. We got down and kept on shivering in fear and praying to God for about two hours. Though themselves shuddered, our teachers guarded us. Time seemed unmoved. However, the tyres were re-fixed and the bus sped on. Our suspense and tension got over. Anyway, we reached home safely during the day-break. The horror of the journey haunts me still.
Lesson 2 : All about a Dog - A.G Gardiner
Exercise 1
(1) The younger women carried a little
(a) spaniel
(b) bull dog
(c) Pekinese dog
(d) spitz
(2) The younger women was suffering from
(a) stomach pain
(b) back pain
(c) fever
(d) cough
(3) The ball was pulled by the
(a) conductor
(b) driver
(c) younger women
(d) older women
(4) The number of policemen to whom the women expressed her anger was
(a) Three
(b) four
(c) five
(d) six
(5) The problem the bus faced was with the
(a) tyre
(b) engine
(c) brake
(d) horn
Exercise 2
Answer the following questions in fifteen words:
(1) How many people got into the with the young women?
Ans: Two people, a man and another woman got into the bus with younger women.
(2) What was the conductor’s order to the younger women ?
Ans: The conductor ordered the younger woman to take her dog out of the bus.
(3) Why did the conductor stand triumphant?
Ans: The bus conductor stood triumphant as the lady with the dog ultimately went to the top of the bus.
(4) What is that rule which cannot be broken without danger to life and limb?
Ans: The rule of the road can not be violated without danger to life and limb.
Exercise 3
Answer the following question within twenty-five words:
(1) When did the author feel that trouble was coming up?
Ans: The author was travelling in a bus where a young lady boarded with a dog. It was against the law. When the conductor noticed the dog, the author felt that trouble was coming up.
(2) Mention two demands made by the passengers when the bus stopped.
Ans: When the bus stopped, the passengers demanded their fares back and they wanted to lodge a report against the bus conductor to the police.
(3) How are rules of guidance to be observed ?
Ans: The rules of guidance should be observed in the spirit, not in the letter with a little good will and good temper.
Grammar in use :
Exercise 4
In the following sentences, underline the verb forms which show that the person denoted by the subject does something. Circle the verb forms which show that something is done to the subject:
(a) She has sung a song.
Ans: She has sung a song.
(b) A song has been sung by her.
Ans: A song [has been sung] by her.
(c) He will draw a picture.
Ans: He will draw a picture.
(d) A picture will be drawn by him.
Ans: A picture [will be drawn] by him.
Exercise 5
Change the voice of the following sentence :
(a) Nila has bought a book.
Ans: A book has been bought by Nila.
(b) They will have seen the cricket match.
Ans: The cricket match will have been seen by them.
(c) Bhola had seen a tiger.
Ans: A tiger had been seen by Bhola.
(d) The nurse will attend the patient.
Ans: The patient will be attended by the nurse.
Exercise 6
Change the voice of the following sentence:
(a) Do the sum.
Ans: Let the sum be done
(b) The poem was written by her.
Ans: She wrote the poem.
(c) Open the door
Ans: Let the door be opened.
(d) The man is known to me.
Ans: I know the man.
Exercise 7
Change the voice of the following sentences:
(a) They agreed to my plan.
Ans: My plan was agreed to by them.
(b) My brother lost my favourite pen.
Ans: My favourite pen was lost by my brother.
(c) The man is writing a letter.
Ans: A letter is being written by the man.
(d) Titli is looking for her watch.
Ans: Her watch is being looked for by Titli.
Exercise 8
Tick the correct alternative given in the brackets:
(a) It (rains / has been raining / is raining) since morning.
Ans: It has been raining since morning.
(b) Last Sunday I (went/ had been going /go) to the zoo.
Ans: Last Sunday I went to the zoo.
(c) I (will be / was / am) in class X next year.
Ans: I will be in class X next year.
(d) Rina (have reached / had reached / has reached) home just now.
Ans: Rina has reached home just now.
Exercise 9
Use the following flow chart to write a paragraph within 100 words on how to prepare orange juice:
oranges bought from the market – sorted – rotten ones removed – cleaned – peeled – put in juicer – juice extracted – sugar and preservatives added – poured in bottles – sealed – ready to be sold
Processing of Making Orange Juice
The process of making orange juice is quiet easy.All we have to do is buy oranges from the market then we have to sort them and discard the rotten ones.We then have to wash and peel them.The next step is to put the oranges in the juicer and add the necessary preservatives and sugar.Once it’s ready we need to pour it into the bottles and seal the bottels,and done it’s ready to be sold in the market
Exercise 10
Write a paragraph within 100 words on how you plan to take care of street dogs. Use the following hints:
cruel actions towards street dogs – necessity of looking after them – ways of taking care of the dogs – conclusion
Ans: Street dogs or stray dogs are, perhaps, the most neglected and ill-treated among creatures around us. As they increase in number, insensitive treatments towards them like stone petting, beating, kicking etc. also mount. Lack of food, shelter, care and security is all that they suffer from birth to death. A wrong notion runs that they bite people. Generally, dogs are meek, loyal animals. They bite only when they are teased and bound to. Other than being nuisance and disturbing, they guard the locality against theft and other hazards. Only a little care, compassionate attitude, sufficient food and a nook can make them true friends to human society. Considering all these aspects, it stands out that we should extend our good will and well wishes to protect these faithful creatures.
Lesson 3 : Autumn - John Clare
Exercise 1
(1) All though the day the fitful the given alternatives:
(a) window-pane
(b) curtains
(c) casement
(d) door
(2) The poet loves to see the shaking twig dance till the
(a) coming of down
(b) end of night
(c) end of afternoon
(d) shut of eve
(3) The sparrow sat on the
(a) cottage rig
(b) house-top
(c) mossy elm-tree
(d) casement
(4) Te pigeons nestled round the
(a) cage
(b) cote
(c) branch
(d) heath
(5) the cock was crowing upon the
(a) dunghill
(b) lea
(c) tree tops
(d) mill sails
(6) The grunting pigs
(a) walk slowly
(b) scamper by
(c) scramble and hurry
(d) dive and swim
Exercise 2
Answer the following questions within twenty five words:
(i) What happens to the leaves of the mossy elm- tree in autumn ?
Ans: The leaves fall onto ground and a fitful gust takes them away down the lane.
(ii) What are the things the poet loves to see on November days?
Ans: Poet loves to see the fitful gust, the shaking twig and the cottage smoke.
Exercise 3
State whether the following sentence are in Active or Passive Voice:
(a) Anil will visit his grandmother’s house.
Ans: Active
(b) The President has left his office.
Ans: Active
(c) The project will have been finished by the students.
Ans: Passive
(d) Promita’s leave has been sanctioned by the school authority.
Ans: Passive
Exercise 4
Change the voice of the following sentence:
(a) The boy has read out the letter.
Ans: The letter has been read out by the boy.
(b) I shall have bought a cricket bat by tomorrow.
Ans: A cricket bat will have been bought by me by tomorrow.
(c) Sohini’s friends had organised a picnic.
Ans: A picnic had been organized by Sohini’s friends.
(d) The football team will put up a brave fight.
Ans: A brave fight will be put up by the football team.
Exercise 5
Change the following sentences into indirect speech:
(a) I said to him, “Will you share your tiffin with me?”
Ans: I asked him if he would share his tiffin with me.
(b) Anjan’s mother said, “Your father has left for Mumbai.”
Ans: Anjan’s mother said that my father had left for Mumbai.
(c) The girls triumphantly said, “Hurrah! We have won the match.”
Ans: The girls exclaimed with joy that they had won the match.
(d) He says, “Let you be successful in life.”
Ans: He wished that I might be succeeded in life.
(e) The captain informed, “The tournament was postponed last month.”
Ans: The captain informed that the tournament had been postponed the previous month.
Exercise 6
Use the following flow-chart to write a paragraph within 100 words on how to make paper:
cutting down of bamboos-making pulp-adding chemicals-rolling into sheets adding colour-drying-ready for use
How to Make Paper
Paper is an essential thing in today’s world. Making paper is not so difficult. To prepare paper the following steps needs to be taken. At first, some bamboos are cut down. from bamboo wood. Then the pulp is made with bamboo properly. Next, different types of chemicals are added to it to make it soft. After that, the pulps, added with chemicals, are rolled into sheets through a machine. Next, the sheets are rolled to add colour into the sheets to make it colourful. Thereafter, the sheets are dried properly. Finally, the paper is ready for use.
Exercise 7
Write a biography of Annie Besant within 100 words based on the hints given below:
Hints: born on 1st of October 1847 in London-famous British writer-well known Socialist, activist for the rights of women-participated in Indian politics-joined the Indian National Congress-became the first woman President of the Indian National Congress in 1917–passed away on 20th of September 1933 in Madras, India.
Annie Besant, a Great Woman
Annie Besant was a famous British writer. She was born on the 1st of October 1847 in London. She was a well-known Socialist and an activist for the rights of women. She participated in Indian politics to fight against the British Government at that time who ruled in India ruthlessly. So, she joined the Indian National Congress to build a resistance against the British. She became the first woman President of the Indian National Congress in 1917. This great woman breathed her last on the 20th of September in 1933 in Madras (now Mumbai), India. at the ripe old age of 85.
Lesson 4 : A Day in the Zoo - Gerald Durrell
Exercise 1
Tick the correct answer from the given alternative:
(1) The average day in a zoo begins just before
(a) dusk
(b) dawn
(c) afternoon
(d) evening
(2) The birds searching the dewy grass on the lawn were
(a) peahens
(b) peacocks
(c) robins
(d) thrushes
(3) Stephen with a broom is his hand was guarding over the
(a) bears
(b) gorilla
(c) apes
(d) armadillo
(4) The name of the black Celebes ape was
(a) Etam
(b) Jeremy
(c) Mike
(d) Stephen
(5) The reptiles dozed in the temperature of
(a) sixty degrees
(b) seventy degrees
(c) eighty degrees
(d) ninety degrees
Exercise 2
Answer the following questions within fifteen words:
(1) How does the sky as one is awakened by the birdsong ?
Ans: The sky looks slightly tinged with yellow.
(2) How do the parrots and parakeets salute the people?
Ans: Parakeets and parrots salute people with a cacophony of sounds.
(3) What do all the animals do at the start of a new day?
Ans: Animals bustle around and gallop about in their cages.
(4) As the light faded, where does the robin fly off to ?
Ans: The robin files off to roost in the mimosa three.
Exercise 3
Answer the following questions within twenty-five words:
(1) What work Jeremy and Mike do in the gorillas cages?
Ans: Mike and Jeremy sweep up the mess on the floor and scatter fresh white sawdust.
(2) Describe the state of the frog and snakes in the reptile house.
Ans: Frogs and snakes stay relaxed and clam in their house at 60 degrees.
(3) What would one see and hear while lying in bed at night?
Ans: One would see the moon separating itself from the shadow of the trees and would hear lions cough.
Exercise 4
Classify the underlined adverbs according to their functions in the chart given below:
(a) I have already done the job.
(b) Bappa can go anywhere for his work.
(c) Puja often comes to my place.
(d) Nargis sings sweetly.
Functions of adverbs
Manner------Time ---- Place ------ Frequency
sweetly-- already -- anywhere ---- often
Exercise 5
Underline the clauses in the following sentences and state what kind of clauses they are:
(a) As he was not there, I spoke to his brother. (Adverbial Clause)
(b) The house where Nazrul was born is in Churulia. (Adverbial Clause)
(c) She said that she would return soon. (Noun Clause)
(d): Have you read the book which you borrowed from me? (Adjective Clause)
Exercise 6
Identify the following sentences as simple, complex or compound sentence:
(i) He is too tired to walk alone. (Simple sentence)
(ii) I have a friend who lives in Mumbai. (Complex sentence)
(iii) Priyam wrote a letter but he got no reply. (Compound sentence)
(iv) Being ill, I could not attend school. ( Simple sentence )
(v) She told me that she would enter a house which is believed to be haunted. (Complex sentence)
(vi) The sun shines brightly and the flowers bloom. (Compound sentence)
Exercise 7
Write a letter to the Headmaster/Headmistress of your school within 100 words seeking leave for three days to visit your ailing grandmother.
The Headmaster/Headmistress,
(your school name)
Hooghly, West Bengal
Sub: Leave of absence
I beg to state that I,(Your name), is an obedient student of your school. I read in class-IX ,my roll number is (Your roll no).
With due respect I inform you that I will not be able to attend my class from 20.07.2022 to 28.07.2022. I wish to go home to see my grandmother for her saviour illness. She has been suffering from cerebral attack for last two days and my family wants my help.
So, therefore, I request you to grant my leave of absence for those days only so that I can visit my ailing grandmother.
Thanking You.
Yours sincerely,
(Your name)
Class :
Roll No
Lesson 5 : All Summer in a Day - Ray Bradbury
Exercise 1
Tick the correct answer from the given alternatives:
1. Men and women came from the Earth to Venus by
(a) aeroplanes
(b) helicopters
(c) rockets
(d) satellites
2. The children learned that the sun was like a/an
(a) lemon
(b) apple
(c) orange
(d) guava
3. The children had long forgotten the colour of the
(a) Earth
(b) Sun
(c) Venus
(d) Moon
4. When the children felt warm in the sun, they took off their
(a) jackets
(b) sweaters
(c) blazers
(d) coats
5.The children came to know that the sun would come out after
(a) two years
(b) six years
(c) seven years
(d) nine years
Exercise 2
Answer the following questions within fifteen words:
(a) How did the heavy storms affect the islands of Venus?
Ans : Heavy storms caused tidal waves to come over the islands and crushed the forests.
(b) What did the children write about the sun?
Ans : The children wrote short stories, essays, or poems about the sun.
(c) Where did the children play?
Ans : The children played in the echoing tunnels of the underground city.
(d) How did the jungle in Venus’s look?
Ans : The jungle was ever increasing, and it had the colour of rubber, ash and ink.
Exercise 3
Answer the following questions within twenty-five words:
(a) Why were the children eager to see the sun?
Ans : The children were eager to see the sun because they were too young to recall when the sun la came out and how it really was.
(b) What did the children do immediately after the rain stopped?
Ans : Immediately after the rain stopped the silence was immense and the children put their hands to their ears, and they stood apart.
(c) Why do you think that the children were feeling unhappy when it started raining again?
Ans : The children were feeling unhappy because they would have to wait for a long period of seven years to see the beauty of the sun again.
Grammar in use:
Exercise 4
Do as directed:
(a) I have a blue pen.(Change into a complex sentence)
Ans : I have a pen which is blue.
(b) Seeing a snake, the boy shouted. (Change into a compound sentence)
Ans : The boy saw the snake and ran away.
(c) I know a man who is very wise.(Change into a simple sentence)
Ans : I know a wise man.
(d) The girl who is dancing on the stage is my sister.(Change into a compound sentence)
Ans : The girl is dancing in the stage, and she is my sister.
(e) I met my friend and told her about an incident. (Change into a simple sentence)
Ans : I met my friend to tell her about an accident.
(f) The sky was overcast but it didn't rain. (Change into a complex sentence)
Ans : Though the sky was overcast, it didn’t rain.
Exercise 5
Write a letter within 100 words to the postmaster of your locality informing him about the loss of an important letter addressed to you and requesting him to help you get it.
The Postmaster
Post Office Address
Sub : Loss of Letter
I would like to inform that the office of the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Deptt. of Health, Govt. of West Bengal sent me my pension letter to my address as noted below about twenty days ago. I have come to know of it from the office of CMOH. The letter is very important to me because I will have to proceed with it for my monthly pension.
I would, therefore, request you earnestly to trace out my letter and deliver it directly to me at the below address.
This is very urgent.
Thanking you.
Yours Sincerely,
(Your name)
Addresss :
Lesson 6 : Mild the Mist upon the Hill - Emily Jane Bronte
Exercise 1
(1) The mist was upon the
(a) grass
(b) roof
(c) hill
(d) leaf
(2) The sorrow of the day is described as
(a) silent
(b) terrible
(c) overwhelming
(d) little
(3) The hall door mentioned in the poem is
(a) new
(b) large
(c) broken
(d) old
(4) The poet watches the cloudy
(a) morning
(b) evening
(c) afternoon
(d) night
(5) The colour of the mist is
(a) grey
(b) white
(c) yellow
(d) blue
(6) The damp stands on the
(a) wall
(b) floor
(c) bush
(d) grass
Exercise 2
Answer the following questions within twenty-five words:
(1) Where does poet see herself when she thinks of her childhood?
Ans: The poet sees herself near the old hall door in her father’s house.
(2) What did the poet watch on the ‘cloudy evening’ ?
Ans: Poet watches the blue mists covering the horizon chain.
Exercise 3
Identity the following sentence as simple, compound and complex:
(i) He is too short climb the wall. (Simple sentence)
(ii) the sky was blue and sun shone bright. (Compound sentence)
(iii) the old man who lived a village believed that the earth was flat. (Complex sentence)
(iv) Leaving a job midway is not a good practice. (Simple sentence)
(v) Last week I met a friend who gave me a bag which is brown in colour. (Complex sentence)
Exercise 4
Do as directed:
(i) The question was so easy that everyone could answer it. (Change into a simple sentence)
Ans: The question was too easy to answer.
(ii) A friend in need is a friend indeed. (Change into a complex sentence)
Ans: A friend who is in need is the friend indeed.
(iii) Pollution is one of the most severe threats to our beautiful planet. (Change into a compound sentence)
Ans: Our planet is beautiful but it faces one of the most severe threats from pollution.
(iv) Do or die. (change into a complex sentence)
Ans: Unless you do,you will die.
(v) He was confused and stopped working. (Change into a simple sentence)
Ans: Being confused he stopped working.
Exercise 5
Write a letter within 100 words to the Headmaster/ Headmistress of your school seeking leave of two days for the purpose of attending the marriage ceremony of your elder sister.
The Headmaster/Headmistress,
Your School Name,
Sub: Leave of absence
I beg to state that I, (YOUR NAME), is an obedient student of your school. I read in class-IX, my roll number is (Roll no).
With due respect I inform you that I will not be able to attend my class from 05.08.2020 to 06.08.2020. I wish to go home to attend the marriage ceremony of my elder sister.
So, therefore, I request you to grant my leave of absence for those two days only so that I can attend the marriage ceremony of my elder sister.
Thanking You.
Yours sincerely,
(Your name)
Roll no
Exercise 6
Suppose you had bought a book from a bookstore. By mistake you left it there instead of bringing it back with you. Providing details of the book and its author, write a letter within 100 words to the owner of the store to find the book and keep it until you come to collect it.
Mr. Book Seller
Book Stall,
Salt Lake,
SUBJECT: A book was left at the shop, after purchasing
Dear Sir,
With the respect, I would like to state, that I am a regular customer of your bookshop. I usually go to your store for purchasing different kinds of book. I am writing this letter to make you know of my book that I did not bring with me after purchasing it.
Yesterday, I visited the store and purchased a novel of Satyaji Ray named ‘Jokhun Chhoto Chhilam’. I had paid rupees two hundred for it. Suddenly, when I was paying the bill, I got a urgent call. I had to leave the store in a rush and forgot to take the book from the counter.
So, therefore, I request you to take necessary step so that I may get the opportunity to get back my most desired book as early as possible.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
Your name
Lesson 7 : Tom Loses a Tooth - Mark Twain
Exercise 1
Tick the correct answer from the given alternatives:
(1) Tom felt miserable on the mornings of
(a) Sunday
(b) Monday
(c) Thursday
(d) Saturday
(2) If Aunt Polly was to know that Tom had a loose tooth, she would
(a) call a doctor
(b) bring him some medicines
(c) surely pull it out
(d) tell him to rest
(3) Tom drew his sore toe from under the
(a) sheet
(b) blanket
(c) pillow
(d) mosquito-net
(4) Sid flew down the stairs to call
(a) the doctor
(b) Mary
(c) the nurse
(d) aunt Polly
(5) The thread that Mary got aunt Polly was made of
(a) cotton
(b) jute
(c) silk
(d) wool
Exercise 2
Answer the following questions within fifteen words:
(1) Which one of Tom’s teeth had come loose?
Ans: One of Tom’s upper front teeth had come loose.
(2) How are Sid and Mary related to Tom?
Ans: Sid is Tom’s brother and Mary is Tom’s cousin.
(3) Why did Tom ask Sid not to stir him?
Ans: Because, one of Tom’s toes was paining.
(4) Why did Tom pretend his toe was paining?
Ans: Because, Tom wished to stay at home instead of going to school.
Exercise 3
Answer the following questions within twenty-five words:
(1) What did Tom remember hearing from a doctor?
Ans: Tom remembered hearing from a doctor that a certain ailment could lay up a patient for three days.
(2) How did Aunt Polly react to the news that Tom was dying?
Ans: Aunt Polly’s face grew pale and her lips trembled.
(3) How was Tom’s loose tooth taken out?
Ans: Aunt Polly fastened one end of the silk thread to Tom’s tooth and the other end to the bed-pot. She pulled and the tooth hung dangling by the bed-post.
Grammar in Use:
Exercise 4
Do as directed:
(a) Rafique was running fast. (change into an interrogative sentence)
Ans: Was Rafique not running fast ?
(b) The boy would never forget the exciting incident. (change into an affirmative sentence)
Ans: The boy would always remember the exciting incident.
c) We had a wonderful time last evening. (change into an exclamatory sentence)
Ans: Ah ! what a wonderful time we had last evening.
(d) He loves to play football. (change into an interrogative sentence)
Ans: Does he not love to play football ?
(e) Rina tried all her plans. (change into a negative sentence)
Ans: Rina left no plan untried.
(f) Shut the door, Robin. (change into an assertive sentence)
Ans: Robin is ordered to shut the door.
Exercise 5
Replace the underlined words with suitable phrasal verbs from the list given below. Change the form of verbs where necessary. There is one extra phrasal verb in the list:
(a) The enemy surrendered without a fight.
Ans: The enemy gave in without a fight.
(b) The child recovered in a month.
Ans: The child came round in a month.
(c) The police investigated the case.
Ans: The police looked into the case.
(d) Puja could understand what her sister said.
Ans: Puja could make out what her sister said.
(e) The old man could not remember his childhood experiences.
Ans: The old man could not call up his childhood experiences.
[List of phrasal verbs: look into, make out, look for, come round, give in, call up]
Exercise 6
Write a newspaper report on a road accident within 100 words. Use the following hints:
brake failure of a bus-collided with a truck-5 injured including a child and a woman-injured sent to hospital-released with first aid-traffic disrupted-police intervened-normalcy restored
Brake Failure Bus Collides With A Truck
By a Staff Reporter
Kolkata, July 12 2022: At least five persons including a child and a woman were injured when a minibus collided with a truck yesterday. The accident took place at Sinthi More at around 10:30 a.m. According to the passengers, the Esplanade bound minibus, route no 78/1, was moving at a great speed. But near Sinthi More the driver lost Control over the brake and the bus collided with a truck Coming from the opposite direction. Local people rushed to the spot and rescued the passengers. Police reached the spot quickly and controlled the whole situation. The injured persons were taken to the nearest hospital. They were released after first aid. Due to the collision traffic got disrupted but normalcy was restored within an hour.
Lesson 8 : His First Flight - Liam O'Flaherty
Exercise 1
(1) At night the seagull slept in a little
(a) nest
(b) hole
(c) turret
(d) burrow
(2) The ledge faced the
(a) north
(b) south
(c) east
(d) west
(3) The colour of the seagull’s body was
(a) red
(b) black
(c) blue
(d) grey
(4) The two brothers and sisters of the seagull were lying on the
(a) pain
(b) plateau
(c) valley
(d) hill
(5) The mother seagull had picked up a piece of
(a) meat
(b) insect
(c) fish
(d) straw
Exercise 2
Answer the following questions within fifteen words :
(a) What was the first catch of the seagull’s older brother ?
Ans: The seagull’s older brother’s first catch was a herring.
(b) Why did the seagull feel the heat ?
Ans: The seagull felt heat because he had not eaten since the previous nightfall.
(c) What did the seagull dive at the fish ?
Ans: The seagull dived at the fish because he was mad with hunger.
(d) What happened when the seagull soared upwards?
Ans: When the seagull soared upwards, he uttered a joyous scream and flapped the wings again.
Exercise 3
Answer following within twenty-five words:
(a) Why was the seagull afraid when he ran forward to brink of the ledge ?
Ans: When he ran towards the brink of the ledge, he became afraid of falling into the sea below. He thought his wings would never support him.
(b) What were the seagull’s two brothers and sister doing on the plateau?
Ans: The seagull’s brought and sister were lying on the plateau. They were dozing there, with their heads sunk into their wing.
(c) What happened after the seagull’s feet into the sea ?
Ans: When the seagull’s feet sank into the sea, his belly touched the water and he sank no further. He was then floating on the sea.
Grammar in Use:
Exercise 4
Change the parts of speech of the given words in the chart:
Noun ---- Verb ------ Adjective ------ Adverb
beauty--beautify ----Beautiful -----beautifully
carefulness --- care---careful --- carefully
strength ----strengthen ---strong ---strongly
Exercise 5
Rewrite the sentences changing the form of the underlined words as directed:
(1) He is known for his honesty. (change into adjective form)
Ans: He is honest that is known.
(2) She spoke with kindness. (change into adverb form)
Ans: She spoke kindly.
(3) The sun shone brightly. (change into noun form)
Ans: The sun shone with brightness.
(4) She gave a wise judgment. (change into verb form)
Ans: She judged wisely.
Exercise 6
Write a paragraph within 100 words on the water cycle, using the following flow-chart:
water evaporates from water bodies-rises as vapour-gets heavier-condenses, forms clouds-falls to earth as rain
The water cycle is a very important natural event. It occurs through a number process. The
Sun plays the main role in forming the water cycle. At first water is evaporated from water bodies like sea, river, pond etc by the heat of the sun. Then it rises upward as vapour. Next the vapour gets heavier as it comes in contact with the dust of the air and turns into clouds. Thereafter it gradually becomes cool and condensed in the sky. Then the cloud becomes coller and heavier forming drops of water. Finally, being unable to float in the sky, the cloud falls on the earth as rain drops.
Exercise 7
Write a summary of the following passage within 100 words:
Communication is part of our everyday life. We greet one another, smile or frown, depending on our moods. Animals too, communicate. Just like us, interaction among animals can be both verbal and non-verbal. Singing is one way in which birds can interact with one another. Male blackbirds often use their melodious songs to catch the attention of other blackbirds. These songs are usually rich in notes, encoding various kinds of messages. Songs are also used to keep off other birds from their territory, usually a place where they dwell. Large mammals in the oceans sing too, according to adventurous sailors. Enormous whales groan and grunt while smaller dolphins and porpoises whistle and click. These sounds are surprisingly received by other mates as far as several hundred kilometers away. Besides singing, body language also forms a large part of animals’ communication mode. Dominant hyenas exhibit their power by raising the fur hackles on their necks and shoulders, while the submissive ones normally surrender to the powerful parties by crouching their head low and curling their lips a little, revealing their teeth in friendly smile. Insects such as wasps armed with poisonous bites or stings usually have brightly painted bodies to remind other predators of their power. (206 words)
Ans: Communication is very essential for every creature. The medium of communication may be different – both verbal or non verbal. Like human beings, animals also communicate among themselves. Generally, birds communicate through singing. Sailors say that large mammals in the ocean like whales, dolphins and porpoises whistle and click. They can even understand it from miles away. Body language is another medium of communication. Wild animals communicate through body language. Insects with their poisonous bite or sting communicate among themselves.
Lesson 9 : The North Ship - Philip Larkin
Exercise 1
(1) The number of ships sailing by were
(a) three
(b) two
(c) five
(d) four
Ans: (a) three
(2) The wind carried the first ship to a
(a) big country
(b) small country
(c) rich country
(d) distant country
Ans: (c) rich country
(3) The second ship turned towards the
(a) west
(b) north
(c) south
(d) east
Ans: (d) east
(4) The decks of the third ship shone
(a) brightly
(b) frostily
(c) clearly
(d) dimly
Ans: (b) frostily
(5) The northern sky rose over the
(a) unfruitful sea
(b) kind sea
(c) stormy sea
(d) calm sea
Ans: (a) unfruitful sea
(6) The third ship was rigged
(a) long journey
(b) short journey
(c) slow journey
(d) quick journey
Ans: (a) long journey
Exercise 2
Answer the following questions within twenty-five words:
(a) What did wind do to the second ship?
Ans: When the second ship started its journey the wind hunted it like a wild beast. It keep the ship in captivity. So could not sail further.
(b) Give any two points of difference between the journey of the third ship and the other two ships.
Ans: Unlike the other two ships, the third one did not get a breadth of wind, favourable or unfavourable. Only in its case a fire-spilling start was noticed.
Grammar in Use:
Exercise 3
Replace the underlined words with suitable phrasal verbs given in the list below. Change the form if necessary. There are two extra phrasal verbs:
(a) The child resembles his grandfather.
Ans: The child takes after his grandfather.
(b) They published a magazine recently.
Ans: They brought out a magazine recently.
(c) My mother taught me not to disrespect anyone.
Ans: My mother taught me not to look down upon anyone.
(d) We should abolish bad habits.
Ans: We should give up bad habits.
(e) A new university was built at Coochbehar.
Ans: A new university was set up at Coochbehar.
[Phrasal verbs: bring out, set up, put up, run after, give up, look down upon, take after]
Exercise 4
Do as directed:
(a) The man was so weak that he could not walk. (rewrite using ‘too’)
Ans: The man was too weak to walk.
(b) Titir is one of the most intelligent girls in the class. (rewrite using the positive degree of the underlined adjective)
Ans: Very few girls are as intelligent as Titir in the class.
(c) As soon as he reached home, it started raining heavily. (change into a negative sentence)
Ans: No sooner had he reached home than it started raining heavily.
(d) Why cry over spilt milk? (change into an assertive sentence)
Ans: Don’t cry over spilt milk.
(e) Blood is thicker than water. (change into an interrogative sentence)
Ans: Is blood not thicker than water?
(f) He told a lie intentionally. (rewrite using the noun form of intentionally’)
Ans: It was his intention to tell a lie.
(g) Run fast or you will be late. ( change into a complex sentence)
Ans: If you don’t run fast, you will be late.
(h) The reporter made the news public. (rewrite using the verb form of public’)
Ans: The reporter publicized the news.
Composition / Writing:
Exercise 5
Write a newspaper report within 100 words on the effect of a devastating flood in your district based on the following
hints: Midnapore district-month of July – heavy rainfall – rivers overflowing-trees uprooted, many villages flooded- loss of human and animal life-rescue operations-steps taken by the government
By a staff Reporter
Midnapore, July 15 2020: A vast area of East Midnapore district has been seriously affected by a devastating flood, caused by the ceaseless rain for the last few days in this month of July. Several rivers like Shilabati, Rupnarayan and Keleghai were overflowed by the heavy downpour. Many villages under Sabang, Ghatal, Egra, Pataspur, Bhagabanpur and other subdivisions were completely Flooded. At least 100 people died and thousands others rendered homeless. Many trees were uprooted and a total of 50 bridges were damaged. People are in a miserable condition without food, shelter and drinking water. Members of NDRF (National Disaster Response Force) have reached to rescue the flood victims. Temporary relief funds have been set up. The prime minister and the chief minister have visited the areas and have promised all possible help from the central and the state government.
Exercise 6
Imagine that you and your friend are sailors of two ships that have recently returned from their voyages. Write a dialogue within 100 words on the different experiences of your voyages.
I: Hello, Shyam, How are you?
Shyam: I am fine. What about you?
I: I am also fine. When did you return from your voyage?
Shyam: I have returned just three days ago.
I: Where had you gone?
Shyam: This time I had gone to South Africa with my ship ‘The Sailor’.
I: What coincidence! I have also returned one week ago.
Shyam: Where had you gone?
I: I went to Italy with my ship ‘The Royal’.
Shyam: How was your trip?
I: Fine. We had reached our destination in time and the weather was very pleasant.
Shyam: But we had to face a tempest. My ship was going to be wrecked. Thank God I had a narrow escape this time. Hope to meet you again soon. Good bye.
Lesson 10 : The Price of Bananas - Mulk Raj Anand
Exercise 1
(1) The author was on his way from Faizabad railway station to
(a) Delhi
(b) Kolkata
(c) Lucknow
(d) Ahmedabad
Ans: (c) Lucknow
(2) From the water pump the passengers were filing up their
(a) water bottles
(b) earthen pitchers
(c) brass jugs
(d) steel buckets
Ans: (b) earthen pitchers
(3) The gentlemen who came up to the author’s compartment looked like a
(a) businessman
(b) doctor
(c) teacher
(d) postman
Ans: (a) businessman
(4) The prince vendor asked for the bananas was
(a) two annas
(b) four annas
(c) six annas
(d) eight annas
Ans: (a) two annas
(5) The author drew the cartoon of
(a) fruit vendor
(b) monkey
(c) porter
(d) Sethji
Ans: (d) Sethji
Exercise 2
Answer the following question within fifteen words:
(1) Where did the young monkeys sit?
Ans: The young monkeys sat on the boughs of neem and tamarind tree.
(2) What did the monkey do to the loin cloth of the pious person?
Ans: The monkeys snatched away the loin cloth of the pious person while he was bathing.
(3) What did Sethji’s luggage include ?
Ans: Sethji’s luggage include a big steel trunk, several small baskets and a brass jug.
(4) Why, accordingly to the fruit vendor, were the monkeys disturbing the passengers ?
Ans: According to the fruit vendor, the monkeys were disturbing the passengers because they were hungry.
Exercise 3
Answer the following question within twenty-five words:
(1) What was the business wearing ?
Ans: The businessman wore a white muslin dhoti, a delicate tunic and an embroidered cap on his head.
(2) What did the monkey do after accepting the fruit vendor’s bargain ?
Ans: After accepting the fruit vendor’s bargain, the monkey took over the bananas with his right hand and released the embroidered cap, slightly crumpled with its left hand.
(3) How did the whole amusing episode end ?
Ans: Sethji was unjustifiably hard to the generous-hearted fruit-vendor. So, the whole amusing episode ended in a bitter sense of grievance against him.
Grammer in use:
Exercise 4
Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles prepositions:
(a) _________________ sun rises in the east.
Ans: The sun rises in the east.
(b) The dog jumped ____________________ the log.
Ans: The dog jumped over the log.
(c) I love to watch ________________ one-day match.
Ans: I love to watch a one-day match.
(d) __________________ a pen, Tiya also has an eraser.
Ans: Besides a pen, Tiya also has an eraser.
Exercise 5
Change the voice of the following sentence:
(a) Mr. Khan is known to me.
Ans: I know Mr. Khan.
(b) Trina had composed a poem.
Ans: A poem had been composed by trina.
(c) I will always remember you.
Ans: You will always be remembered by me.
(d) They have made the president of the club.
Ans: He has been made the president of the club by them.
Exercise 6
Fill in the blanks with appropriate form of the given verbs brackets:
(a) They ___________ ____________ their puja vacation in the hills. (spend)
Ans: They have spent their puja vacation in the hills. (spend)
(b) We ________________ _______________ in this city for over ten years. (live)
Ans: We have been living in this city for over ten years. (live)
(c) I _____________ just _________________ reading the book. (finish)
Ans: I have just finished reading the book. (finish)
(d) The project ____________ ____________ _____________ by June next year. (complete)
Ans: The project will be completed by June next year. (complete)
Exercise 7
Change the mode of narration in the following sentences:
(a) Rahul said,” Alas! Brazil has lost the match.”
Ans: Rahul exclaimed with sorrow that Brazil has lost the match.
(b) “Let us go for a walk,” said Shabnam to Chandni.
Ans: Shabnam proposed to Chandni that they should go for a walk.
(c) “Good morning, madam,” said the students to the teacher.
Ans: Addressing madam, the students said good morning to the teacher.
(d) My father said to me, “Do not pluck flowers.”
Ans: My father advised me not to pluck flowers.
Composition / Writing :
Exercise 8
Write a story in about 100 words using the given hints. Give a suitable title to the story:
Hints: two cats find a piece of bread-fight over it-monkey arrives-decides to settle the dispute-monkey breaks the bread into two-uneven size-eats a portion from the larger share-dispute continues-monkey eats both pieces of bread
Once upon a time there lived two cats. They were good friends. One day, they were wandering in search of food. Suddenly they found a piece of bread on the road. Both of them were very hungry and decided to break it into two equal pieces. But the pieces were not equal. so they fought over it. Then a monkey was passing by. He arrived there and decided to settle the dispute. The cats also agreed to his proposal. so he broke the bread into two positions. But the two portions of the bread were uneven in size. So, he took a large bite from the larger portion or the bread. So that position became smaller than the other. None of the cats agreed to take the piece. So the dispute continued. Again the monkey told them that he would make the other piece equal by taking a bite out of it. In that manner, the clever monkey ate both the pieces of bread and went away from there.
Moral: Two fight, a third person gains.
Exercise 9
Using the following points write a paragraph in about 100 words on how your locality looks like at dawn:
your place of stay-early morning sky-description of the nature around-sounds that are heard-reasons for enjoyment-conclusion
My Locality at Dawn
I live in a village. There is no doubt that the natural beauty of a village is splendid. Moreover, the beauty of the early morning in a village is indescribable. Then the sky remains clear and cloudless, a cool breeze blows. The nature all around remain silent The nature all around remains silent, only the chirpings of the birds is heard. open meadows, vast paddy fields, green vegetables, blossoming flowers look bright in the smokeless air. Then the scenery of our locality is really charming. This beauty inspires us for the work of our whole day. At that time I feel a peace of mind. I love to enjoy the early morning beauty of my locality.
Lesson 11 : A Shipwrecked Sailor - Daniel Defoe
Exercise 1
(1) Robinson Crusoe from the given alternatives:
(a) 1959
(b) 1559
(c) 1359
(d) 1959
Ans: (a) 1959
(2) Robinson Crusoe used to make a
(a) bed
(b) sail
(c) tent
(d) curtain
Ans: (c) tent
(3) The distance between the stakes Robinson Crusoe drove into the ground was
(a) five inches
(b) seven inches
(c) four inches
(d) six inches
Ans: (d) six inches
(4) Crusoe saw fair weather in the month of
(a) December
(b) November
(c) September
(d) October
Ans: (b) November
(5) The journey with fruit parcel took Crusoe
(a) five days
(b) ten days
(c) three days
(d) four days
Ans: (c) three days
Exercise 2
Answer following question fifteen words:
(1) What name did Crusoe give to the dismal island?
Ans: The name Crusoe gave to the dismal island was the island of Despair.
(2) Where did he pitch the tent?
Ans: He pitched his tent on the flat green surface just before the below the before the hollow on the hill.
(3) How did Cruse go over the fence?
Ans: Crusoe went over fence by using a short ladder.
(4) Why did he keep a journey ?
Ans: He kept a journal to record the details of his everyday affairs in the island.
Read Also:
Exercise 3
Answer the following questions twenty five words :
(1) Where were the items Robinson Crusoe collected from the wrecked ship ?
Ans: From the wreck Robinson Crusoe rescued some, cable, string, a knife, nails, a gun, a hammock, some canvas, some paper and ink and some money.
(2) How did Crusoe keep track of the number of days he spent on the island ?
Ans: Crusoe had cut with his knife upon a large post, the date of his landing, thereafter he put a notch with his knife for everyday.
(3) In what way did Crusoe make himself a lamp ?
Ans: Crusoe collected a little tallow and small clay dish. To this he added a wick, in this way he made himself a lamp.
Exercise 4
Underline the adverbs and state kinds:
(a) It is too hot today.
Ans: It is too hot today.
today – adverb of time.
(b) The girl seldom visits my house.
Ans: The girl seldom visits my house.
seldom – adverb of frequency.
(c) He searched everywhere for the book.
Ans: He searched everywhere for the book.
everywhere – adverb of place
(d) The boy runs fast.
Ans: The boy runs fast.
fast – adverb of manner.
Exercise 5
Underline the causes in the following in the following sentence and state what kind clauses they are:
(a) She asked me what my name was.
Ans: She asked me what my name was.
What my name was – Noun clauses.
(b) He is friend who has always helped me.
Ans: He is friend who has always helped me.
who has always helped me – adjective clause.
(c) Please enter the room when you are asked to.
Ans: Please enter the room when you are asked to.
when you are asked to – Adverb clause.
(d) That he will win is known to us.
Ans: That he will win is known to us.
That he will win – Noun clause.
Exercise 6
Identity the following sentence as simple, complex and compound :
(a) They predicted that it would rain.
Ans: Complex sentence (one principal clause and subordinate clause)
(b) The weather being, the children went out to play.
Ans: Simple sentence (one clause)
(c) Ravi woke up early but could not reach school on time
Ans: Compound sentence (two principal clauses)
(d) Finishing his work. My father returned home.
Ans: Simple sentence (one principal clause)
Exercise 7
Do as directed:
(a) Tatar hoped to do well in the examination.(change into a complex sentence)
Ans: Tatar hoped that he would do well in the examination.
(b) The Headmistress arrived and the meeting began.(change into a complex sentence)
Ans: When the Headmistress arrived, the meeting began.
(c) Ayesha was surprised when she heard the news.(change into a simple sentence)
Ans: Hearing the news Ayesha was surprised.
(d) You must work hard to be successful in life. (change into a compound sentence).
Ans: You must work hard otherwise you will not succeed in life.
Exercise 8
You had been ill for three days. Write a letter to the Headmaster/Headmistress of your school seeking leave of absence for those days.
The Headmaster
ABC High School
Tufanganj, Cooch Behar
Sub: Leave of absence
This is to inform you that I am Ruma Pradhan, a student of class X Sec-A, Roll no. 32 of your school. But I could not attend classes from 25:08.2021 to 98.08, 2021 due to viral fever and headache. Now I am fit for School.
Therefore, I request you to kindly grant me leave of absence for those days. I hope you will keep my request and oblige me very much.
A Photocopy of the medical certificate has been annexed herewith.
Yours obediently
Ruma Pradhan
Tufanganj, Cooch Behar
Exercise 9
You want to visit a tourist spot during the Puja vacation. Write a letter within 100 words to the manager of a hotel inquiring about the availability of rooms, cost involved and sites to be seen.
The Manager
Hill View Hotel,
Sub: Booking of Hotel
My friend Mr. Kunal Bose stayed in your hotel for a week last year during the puja holidays. He highly recommended your hotel and I write you on his advice. I have a plan to visit Shimla with my family this year from 4th October. I need two double-bedded rooms with attached baths for seven days. Would you kindly let me know if such accommodation is available during that period? Also please let me know the charge and other terms and conditions. Kindly inform me as soon as possible so that I can finalize my travel programme.
Hope to hear from you
Thanking you
Yours faithfully
Your Name
Lesson 12 : Hunting Snake - Judith Wright
Exercise 1
(1) The poet was sun-warmed under the gentlest sky of
(a) summer
(b) winter
(c) autumn
(d) spring
Ans: (c) autumn
(2) The colour of the snake was
(a) black
(b) grey
(c) green
(d) yellow
Ans: (a) black
(3) The tongue of the snake was
(a) still
(b) flickering
(c) dangling
(d) hanging
Ans: (b) flickering
(4) The shape of the snake’s a scale was like
(a) star
(b) kite
(c) diamond
(d) pyramid
Ans: (c) diamond
(5) According to the poet, the intent of the snake was
(a) malicious
(b) greedy
(c) timid
(d) fierce
Ans: (d) fierce
(6) The snake finally disappeared into the
(a) sand
(b) grass
(c) rock
(d) stream
Ans: (b) grass
Exercise 2
Answer the following questions within twenty-five words:
(i) How did the snake appear as it moving through the grass ?
Ans: As the snakes was moving through the grass its head was down and tongue flickering. With sunlight on it, the scale glazed like diamonds.
(ii) What did the poet her companions do when the snake was gone ?
Ans: When the snake was gone, the poet and her companies took a deeper breath
Grammer in use :
Exercise 3
Rewrite the following sentence as directed:
(a) How happy we are here ! (change into an assertive sentence)
Ans: We are very happy here.
(b) Everybody knows the name of Tagore, (change into an interrogative sentence)
Ans: Who does known the name of Tagore?
(c) The painting is very beautiful . (change into an exclamatory sentence)
Ans: How beautiful the painting is !
(d) Can we ever forget childhood days? (changes into an assertive sentence)
Ans: We can never forget out childhood days.
Exercise 4
Rewrite the following sentences as directed:
(a) We are proud of our heritage. (use the noun form of ‘proud)
Ans: We feel pride in our heritage.
(b) We should have sympathy for the poor. (use the adjective form of ‘sympathy’)
Ans: We should be sympathetic towards the poor.
(c) His success was due to his labour. (use the verb form of labour’)
Ans: He succeeds because he laboured.
(b) The song of the nightingale is very sweet. (use the adverb form of ‘sweet’)
Ans: The nightingale sings very sweetly.
Composition / Writing :
Exercise 5
Write a newspaper report within 100 words on a boat capsize. Use the following hints:
place-date-number of people in the boat-cause-casualties-rescue operations-steps taken by the Government.
Boat Capsize Tolls Forty
– by our correspondent
Haldia, September 12, 2022: A serious accident has taken the lives of at least forty people, including children and women, at Haldia last Monday. An overloaded boat capsized. The boat was normally used for ferry-service for the common people crossing the Haldia river. On the day of the accident, the boat was overcrowded. In spite of the boatman’s objection, the passengers compelled him to sail the boat.
The rest of the passengers were rescued by the local people. Some are missing till date. The government has sent a special rescue team on the spot and also assured kind of help for the victims.
Exercise 6
Write a summary of the following passage within 100 words:
Where and how should children learn values? We know that they need to learn them because values form the beliefs and attitudes that will determine how they live their lives and function in society. To function effectively in society, children need to be taught how to be honest, kind, courteous and considerate. Any society that does not teach children these values would soon fall apart. Similarly, one would expect a nation to be made up of citizens who know how to respect other people and their property. These citizens should also understand the value of humility and self-control. They should appreciate courage and be willing to care of those weaker than themselves. Any nation whose citizens do not practice these values would soon become a nation not worth living in. Teaching these values to children cannot be delayed. This is because, unlike young animals, whose instincts are often highly developed at birth, human babies are totally dependent. Human beings have emotional needs, desires, thoughts and feelings which determine action. This is precisely why they must learn values, not just survival skills as do animals. These values will help control the natural responses that result from satisfying purely selfish needs and desires. (202 words)
Summary -- Any organised society is based on some moral values, like kindness, honesty, courtesy, considerate attitude to others etc. Without these, civilization can never prosper. So children should be taught the values at the beginning of their lives. Thus in youth they will be fit to take responsibility in society. Then by shunning self-centred thinking, they will be helpful to others in need. For other animals these are not needed because they learn what are needed for them through instinct only.