How to ..Install ArduSiPM Sofware

How To

Install Arduino IDE before to connect ArduSiPM to your PC:

Once you receive your ArduSiPM, before to connect it to your PC, read the following steps.

  1. Depending on which operative system (Mac OS X, Windows, Linux) you are running, you need to install the Arduino Software and the USB drivers.
  2. Follow the step-by-step instructions at this Arduino web page:

selecting the link accordingly to your operating system, download the IDE and follow the steps required.

  1. When the Arduino Software (IDE) is properly installed you can go back to the web page at point 2. and choose Arduino Due board (since ArduSiPM works on it) in the list on the right to learn how to get started with it and how to use it on the Desktop IDE:

Use ArduSiPM Acquisition Tool with Windows OS:

  1. Download the execute file (ArduSiPM Acquisition Tool.exe) from:
  3. Connect ArduSiPM to a USB port.
  4. Double click on the file downloaded: ArduSiPM Acquisition Tool.exe
  5. From the menu ArduSiPM, select Port → e.g. COM3.
  6. From the same menu (ArduSiPM) press Connect.
  7. The menu Visualizer contains the graphs for Rate, Time Analysis, ADC and CPS Spectrum, Live Count, Raw Serial.
  8. Menu View is for arranging the graph’s windows.

From the menu ArduSiPM, in Acquisition Mode, you can choose what you want to save as data. While in the Acquisition menu → selecting Acquisition Tool… you can start and stop the data acquisition.

Davide Rozza (Davide.Rozza(())