Software Coincidences with two ArduSiPM

It is possible to use two (or also more) ArduSiPM in coincidences mode, to do this it is necessary synchronise the internal acquisition window clock. There are two way:

  • one using an external PPS signal (like a GPS signal, or a 1 Hz external source in LVTTL standard )
  • the other described in this page using one ArduSiPM as master clock source and one ArduSiPM as Slaves the two ArduSiPM are connected only using two wires .

The trick is to use this signal of one ArduSiPM (The Master) as temporisation of another ArduSiPM (the Slave).

  • The IN_OUT_COUNT signal of each ArduSiPM provide the acquisition window clock, from factory it is 1 Hz (one pulse per second=one acquisition per second).
  • Each ArduSiPM can receive an external signal for acquisition window timing. The external acquisition window timing can be connected to Pin13 (PWM13) .

If we use an external signal for acquisition window timing, the internal acquisition window timing must be longer than the external (example: if the external is one per second the internal must be set 2 seconds using the command /2)

working in progress...