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(* means either corresponding author or principal author)

34. A. Yadav, T. K. Jasil, R. Singh, P. P. Das, Ajith K. M., S. Pandey, Optimization of quantum capacitance of functionalized VS2 monolayer electrode to shrink hybrid supercapacitors for on-chip energy sources (under review). 

33. B. R.  Biradar, Nivedya T., a. Hanchate, P. P.  Das*, S. S. Mal, Development of a Cholesterol Biosensor and Energy Storage Systems Based on Polypyrrole Coated Polyoxometalate (under review).

32. Nivedya T., B. R. Biradar, S. K. Pandey, S. S. Mal, P. P. Das*, Dual Oxygen Reservoir Model for Nonpolar Resistive Switching in Nickel Tetradecavanadate Based Molecular Switch (under review). 

31. M. Advaitha, K. Mahendra, J. Pattar, P. P. Das, Synthesis of ZnO and CuO–ZnO nanocomposites for photo-conducting and dielectric applications, Materials Chemistry and Physics (Elsevier), vol. 322, pp. 129545, 2024. 

30. Nivedya T., B. R. Biradar, S. S. Mal, P. P. Das*, Multistate Nonpolar Resistive Switching in Nickel Embedded Polyoxovanadate for High Density Data Storage, Journal of Alloys and Compounds (Elsevier), vol. 1003, pp. 175496, 2024. 

29. B. R.  Biradar, Nivedya T., P. P.  Das*, S. S. Mal, Pseudocapacitive Effects of Polyoxometalate Implanted on Graphene Oxide Matrix with Polypyrrole for Symmetric Supercapacitor Applications, Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry (Elsevier), vol. 960, pp. 118192, 2024.

28. A. K. Yadav, Shreevathsa N S, R. Singh, P. P. Das, V. Garg, S. K. Pandey, DFT calculations for temperature stable quantum capacitance of VS based electrodes for supercapacitors, IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology (IEEE), vol. 23, pp. 132-138, 2024.  

27. B. R. Biradar, S. Maity, P. R. Chandewar, D. Shee, P. P. Das*, S. S. Mal, Fabrication of Supercapacitor Electrode Material using Carbon Derived from Waste Printer Cartridge, Ionics (Springer), 2024.  

26. S. Maity, B. R. Biradar, S. Srivastava, P. R. Chandewar, D. Shee, P. P. Das*, S. S. Mal, Waste dry cells derived photo-reduced graphene oxide and polyoxometalate composite for solid‐state supercapacitor applications, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. (RSC Publications), vol. 25, pp. 24613, 2023. 

25. B. R. Biradar, S. Maity, P. R. Chandewar, D. Shee, P. P. Das*, S. S. Mal, High areal capacitance polyoxotungstate-reduced graphene oxide-based supercapacitors, Inorganic Chemistry Communications (Elsevier), vol. 115, pp. 110987 , 2023. 

24. N. S. Sterin, T. Nivedya, S. S. Mal, P. P. Das*, Understanding the coexistence of two bipolar resistive switching modes with opposite polarity in CuxO (1< x <2)-based two-terminal devices, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics (Elsevier), vol. 33, pp. 2101, 2022.

23. S. Maity, A. A. Vannathan, P. R. Chandewar, D. Shee, P. P. Das*, S. S. Mal, Vanadomanganate as a synergistic component in high-performance symmetric supercapacitor, Journal of Alloys and Compunds (Elsevier), vol. 899, pp. 163239, 2022.

22. S. Maity, Madhushree J. E., B. R. Biradar, P. R Chandewar, D. Shee, P. P.  Das*, S. S. Mal, Polyoxomolybdate Polypyrrole Graphene Oxide Nanohybrid Electrode for High-Power Symmetric Supercapacitors, Energy Fuels (ACS Publications), vol. 35, pp. 18824, 2021.

21. S. Maity, A. A. Vannathan, T. Kella, D. Shee, P. P. Das*, S. S. Mal, Electrochemical performance of activated carbon-supported vanadomolybdates electrodes for energy conversion, Ceramics International (Elsevier), vol. 47, pp. 27132, 2021.

20. S. Maity, Neethu B M, T. Kella, D. Shee, P. P. Das*, S. S. Mal, Activated carbon- supported Vanado-nickelate (IV) based hybrid materials for energy application, Journal of Energy Storage (Elsevier) , vol. 40, pp. 102727, 2021.

19. S. Maity, P. P. Das*, Sib Sankar Mal, Decavanadate-graphene oxide nanocomposite as an electrode material for electrochemical capacitor, Materials Technology (Taylor & Francis), vol. 25, pp. 1129, 2021. 

18. S. Maity, A. A. Vannathan, K. Kumar, P. P. Das*, Sib Sankar Mal, Enhanced Power Density of Graphene Oxide Phosphotetradecavanadate Nanohybrid for Supercapacitor Electrode, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance (Springer), vol. 30, pp. 1371, 2021. 

17. Yadunath, T. R., R. Sooraj, G. Hegde, P. P. Das, and T. Srinivas, Multiple Order and Broadband Optical Orbital Angular Momentum Source using a Single Photonic Crystal Device, In 2020 IEEE Photonics Society Summer Topicals Meeting Series (SUM), pp. 1-2. IEEE, 2020. 

16. A. Kaushalram, Yadunath T.R., P. P. Das*, Gopalkrishna Hegde, Srinivas Talabattula, Ultra-broadband fabrication-tolerant mode division (de)multiplexer on thin film Lithium niobate, Optics Communications (Elsevier), vol. 475, pp. 126251, 2020. 

15. A. A. Vannathan, S. Maity, T. Kella, D. Shee, P. P. Das*, S. S. Mal, In situ vanadophosphomolybdate impregnated into conducting polypyrrole for supercapacitor, Electrochimica Acta (Elsevier), vol. 364, pp. 137286, 2020. 

14. Sterin N. S., N. Basu, M. Cahay, M. N. Satyanarayan, S. S. Mal, P. P. Das*, Redox-active vanadium-based polyoxometalate as an active element in resistive switching based nonvolatile molecular memory, Physica Status Solidi A (Wiley Publications), vol. 217, pp. 2000306, 2020. 

13. S. Kumari, S. Maity, A. V. Anjana, D. Shee, P. P. Das*, S. S. Mal, Improved electrochemical performance of graphene oxide supported vanadomanganate (IV) nanohybrid electrode material for supercapacitors, Ceramics International (Elsevier), vol. 46, pp. 3028-3035, 2020. 

12. P. P. Das*, M. Cahay, S. Kalita, S. S. Mal, A. K. Jha, Width dependence of the 0.5(2e 2/h) conductance plateau in InAs quantum point contacts in presence of lateral spin-orbit coupling, Scientific Reports (Nature Publications), vol. 9, pp. 12172, 2019. 

11. K. M. Nimith, N. S. Sterin, P. P. Das*, G. Umesh, M. N. Satyanarayan, Capacitance and impedance spectroscopy studies of polymer light emitting diodes based on MEH-PPV:BT blends, Synthetic Metals, vol. 250, pp. 99-103, 2019. 

10. K. Baishya, J. Ray, P. Dutta, P. P. Das*, S. K. Das, Graphene-mediated band gap engineering of WO3 nanoparticle and a relook at Tauc equation for band gap evaluation, Applied Physics A, vol. 124, pp. 704, 2018. 

9. P. P. Das*, A. Jones, M. Cahay, S. Kalita, S. S. Mal, N. S. Sterin, T. R. Yadunath, M. Advaitha, S. T. Herbert, Dependence of the 0.5(2e 2/h) conductance plateau on the aspect ratio of InAs quantum point contacts with in-plane side gates, Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 121, pp. 083901, 2017. 

8. P. Saikia, A. Taleb, P. P. Das, Highly efficient catalytic reductive degradation of various organic dyes by Au/CeO2 −TiO2 nano-hybrid , J. Chem. Sci. vol. 129, pp. 81-93, 2017.

7. Yadunath T. R., Resmi Ravikumar, Sreenivasul T., Anusree Kandoth, Kamal J. Sundar, Partha P. Das, Badrinarayana T., Mohan Sangineni, Gopal K. Hegde, T. Srinivas, Photonic crystal ring resonator: a promising device for a multitude of applications, Proceeding of SPIE Photonics West OPTO-2017 (Paper # 10108-57), San Francisco, California, USA, Jan 28 - Feb 2, 2017. 

6. Rohit K. Ramakrishnan, Shafeek A. Samad, Yadunath T. R., Partha P. Das, Srinivas Talabattula, Integrated-optics-based quantum-communication devices, Proceeding of SPIE Photonics West OPTO-2017 (Paper # 10118-39), San Francisco, California, USA, Jan 28 - Feb 2, 2017.

5. V. R. Kolli, Yadunath T. R., Resmi R. K., B. Tarimala, G. Hegde, P. P. Das, and T. Srinivas, Design, fabrication and characterization of 5 micron ring resonator, Proceeding of International Conference on Fibre Optics and Photonics 2016 (OSA 2016), Kanpur, India, December 4-8, 2016. 

4. N. Bhandari, P. P. Das, M. Cahay, R. S. Newrock, and S. T. Herbert, Observation of a 0.5 conductance plateau in asymmetrically biased GaAs quantum point contact , Applied Physics Letters, vol. 101, pp. 102401, 2012. 

3. P. P. Das*, N. K. Bhandari, J. Wan, J. Charles, M. Cahay, K. B. Chetry, R. S. Newrock and S. T. Herbert, Influence of surface scattering on the anomalous conductance plateaus in an asymmetrically biased InAs/In0.52Al0.48As quantum point contact , Nanotechnology, vol. 23, pp. 215201, 2012. 

2. P. P. Das*, K. B. Chetry, N. Bhandari, J. Wan, M. Cahay, R. S. Newrock, and S. T. Herbert, Understanding the anomalous conductance plateau in asymmetrically biased InAs/ In0.52Al0.48As quantum point contact – a step towards a tunable all electric spin valve, Applied Physics Letters, vol. 99, pp. 122105, 2011. 

1. J. Wan, M. Cahay, P. P. Das and R. S. Newrock, Influence of Impurity Scattering on the Conductance Anomalies of Quantum Point Contacts with Lateral Spin-Orbit Coupling, Nanotechnology (IEEE-NANO), pp. 1395-1398, 2011. 

Book Chapter: 



25. Nivedya Thathron, Bhimaraya R Biradar, Sib Sankar Mal, Partha Pratim Das, Nickel Tetradecavanadate Based Nonpolar Nonvolatile Resistive Random Access Memory Devices, Poster presentation at 22nd International Workshop on Physics of Semiconductor Devices (IWPSD 2023), Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai, India, December 14-17, 2023.  

24. Bhimaraya R Biradara, Nivedya T, Pranay R. Chandewarc, Debaprasad Shee, Partha Pratim Das, Sib Sankar Mal, Vanadium Substituted Silicotungstate Mediated Hydrothermal Reduction of Graphene Oxide for Supercapacitor Applications, Poster presentation at Third International Conference on Physics of Materials and Nanotechnology (ICPN-2023), Department of Physics, Mangalore University, Karnataka, India, September 21-23, 2023. 

23. Nivedya Thathron, Bhimaraya R Biradar, Sib Sankar Mal, Partha Pratim Das,  Nonpolar Nonvolatile Switching Behaviour of Nickel Tetradecavanadate Based Resistive Random Access Memory Devices, Poster presentation at Third International Conference on Physics of Materials and Nanotechnology (CPN-2023), Department of Physics, Mangalore University, Karnataka, India, September 21-23, 2023.  

22. Nivedya T, N. S. Sterin, Bhimaraya R B, Sib Sankar Mal and Partha Pratim Das,  Coexistence of two bipolar resistive switching modes with opposite polarity in CuxO (1 ≤ x ≤ 2) based RRAM devices, Oral presentation at Virtual International Conference on Functional Materials and Applied Physics (FMAP-2022), S. V. National Institute of Technology, Surat, Gujarat, India, October 14-15, 2022. 

21. Bhimaraya R Biradar, Nivedya T, Pranay R. Chandewar, Debaprasad Shee, Partha Pratim Das, Sib Sankar Mal, Polyoxometalate Supported Reduced Graphene Oxide (rGO) Nanohybrid for Supercapacitor Applications, Oral presentation at 2nd Virtual International Conference on Functional Materials and Applied Physics (FMAP-2022), S. V. National Institute of Technology, Surat, Gujarat, India, Oct 14-15. 2022. 

20. Sterin N. S., Nivedya T., Sukanya Maity, Bhimaraya R B, Sib Sankar Mal and Partha Pratim Das, Resistive Switching in Redox Active Vanadium Based Polyoxometalate (Na6V10O28) for RRAM Devices Oral presentation at International Conference on Functional Materials and Applied Physics (FMAP-2021), S. V. National Institute of Technology, Surat, Gujarat, India, May 14-15, 2021. 

19. Nivedya T, N. S. Sterin, Bhimaraya R. B, Sib Sankar Mal, Partha Pratim Das, Coexistence of two bipolar resistive switching modes with opposite polarity in CuxO (1 ≤ x ≤ 2) based RRAM devices. Poster presentation at XXI International Workshop on Physics of Semiconductor Devices (IWPSD – 2021), IIT Delhi, India, Dec 14 – 17, 2021.

18. Sukanya Maity, Partha Pratim Das, and Sib Sankar Mal, Symmetric supercapacitor based on graphene oxide- phosphotetradecavanadate nanohybrid as an electrode material Poster presentation at International Conference on Nano Science and Technology (ICONSAT2020), S. N. Bose National Centre for Basic Sciences, Kolkata, India, March 5-7, 2020. 

17. S. Kumari, S. Maity, P. P. Das, S. S. Mal, Polyoxovanadateas as a new hybrid material for electrode in electrochemical supercapacitors Poster presentation at International Conference on Advanced Materials (ICAM-2019), Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi, March 6-7, 2019. 

16. Sterin N. S., S. S. Mal, P. P. Das, Restistive switching in Na6V10O28 polyoxometalate thin film based two terminal device, Poster presentation at International Conference On Recent Advances in Materials Science and Biophysics (RAMSB 2018), Mangalore University, India, Jan 23-25, 2018. 

15. S. Kumari, S. S. Mal, P. P. Das, Graphene oxide-polyoxometalate composite materials for energy harvesting , Poster presentation at International Conference On Recent Advances in Materials Science and Biophysics (RAMSB 2018), Mangalore University, India, Jan 23-25, 2018. 

14. P. P. Das, A. Jones, M. Cahay, Sterin N. S., S. Kalita, Yadunath T. R., Advaitha M., S. T. Herbert, Towards the realization of an all-electric semiconductor Datta-Das spin field effect transistor, Poster presentation at The XIX International Workshop on The Physics of Semiconductor Devices (IWPSD 2017), IIT Delhi, India, Dec 11-15, 2017.

13. P. P. Das, A. Jones, M. Cahay, Sterin N. S., S. Kalita, Yadunath T. R., Advaitha M., S. T. Herbert, Towards the realization of an all-electric semiconductor Datta-Das spin field effect transistor, Proceeding of The XIX International Workshop on The Physics of Semiconductor Devices (IWPSD 2017), IIT Delhi, India, Dec 11-15, 2017.

12. Yadunath T. R., Resmi Ravikumar, Sreenivasul T., Anusree Kandoth, Kamal J. Sundar, Partha P. Das, Badrinarayana T., Mohan Sangineni, Gopal K. Hegde, T. Srinivas, Photonic crystal ring resonator: a promising device for a multitude of applications, Proceeding of SPIE Photonics West OPTO-2017 (Paper # 10108-57), San Francisco, California, USA, Jan 28 - Feb 2, 2017. 

11. Rohit K. Ramakrishnan, Shafeek A. Samad, Yadunath T. R., Partha P. Das, Srinivas Talabattula, Integrated-optics-based quantum-communication devices, Proceeding of SPIE Photonics West OPTO-2017 (Paper # 10118-39), San Francisco, California, USA, Jan 28 - Feb 2, 2017. 

10. V. R. Kolli, Yadunath T. R., Resmi R. K., B. Tarimala, G. Hegde, P. P. Das, and T. Srinivas, Design, fabrication and characterization of 5 micron ring resonator, Proceeding of International Conference on Fibre Optics and Photonics 2016 (OSA 2016), Kanpur, India, December 4-8, 2016. 

9. Khandoji Chetan, Sterin N. S., Debaprasad Shee, Partha P. Das, Sib Sankar Mal, Polyoxometalates for Nonvolatile Memory Applications, Poster presentation at National Symposium on Nano Science and Technology (NSNST-2016), CeNSE, IISc Bangalore, India, June 29-30, 2016. 

8. Khandoji Chetan, Sterin N. S., M. N. Satyanarayana, Debaprasad Shee, Partha P. Das, Sib Sankar Mal, Synthesis and Characterisation of Graphene OxidePolyoxometalate Composite Materials for Device Applications, Oral presentation at 4 th National Conference on Condensed Matter Physics and Applications, MIT Manipal, India, May 23-24, 2016. 

7. Vijeth, S. A. Dsouza, P. P. Das, S. S. Mal, Variational Calculation of Energy of Exciton Confined in Spherical Quantum Well, Poster presentation at 4 th National Conference on Condensed Matter Physics and Applications, MIT Manipal, India, May 23-24, 2016. 

6. S. S. Mal, P. P. Das and U. Kortz, Synthesis, Structure, and Properties of Multi-Transition Metal-Substituted Wheel-Shaped Tungstophosphates, Poster presentation at International Conference on Multifunctional Materials for Future Applications, IIT BHU, Varanasi, India, Oct 27-29, 2015. 

5. S. A. Dsouza, Vijeth, S. S. Mal, P. P. Das, Numerical Study of Energy Spectrum of a TwoElectron System Confined in a Spherical Quantum Well, Poster Presentation at 3 rd National Conference on Nanoscience and Instrumentation Technology, NIT Kurukshetra, India, June 6-7, 2015. 

4.  N. Bhandari, J. Charles, M. Dutta, P. P. Das, M. Cahay, R. Newrock and S. Herbert, Tunable All Electrical Spin Polarizer Using A Quantum Point Contact with Two Pairs of InPlane Side Gates, Oral presentation at American Physical Society Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland USA, vol. 58, no. 1, March 18-22, 2013. 

3. P. P. Das, N. Bhandari and M. Cahay, Understanding the Anomalous Conductance Plateau in Asymmetrically Biased InAs/In0.52Al0.48As Quantum Point Contact, Poster presented at the Graduate School Poster Forum, University of Cincinnati USA, March 2, 2012. 

2.P. P. Das, K. B. Chetry, N. Bhandari, J. Wan, M. Cahay, R. S. Newrock, and S. T. Herbert, Evolution of the anomalous conductance plateau in an asymmetrically biased InAs/ In0.52Al0.48As quantum point contact in the presence of lateral spin-orbit coupling, Poster presentation at 56th MMM Conference, Scottsdale, Arizona, USA, Oct 30 - Nov 3, 2011. (Best poster award) 

1. J. Wan, M. Cahay, P. P. Das and R. S. Newrock, Influence of Impurity Scattering on the Conductance Anomalies of Quantum Point Contacts with Lateral Spin-Orbit Coupling, 11th IEEE Conference on Nanotechnology, Page(s): 1395 1398, 2011. (DOI: 10.1109/NANO.2011.6144332). 

PhD Thesis

Partha Pratim Das, Generation of Spin Polarization in Side-Gated InAs Quantum Point Contact, University of Cincinnati, Ohio, USA (2012)