Meet the Board


PTO President & Vice President - Leads monthly PTO meetings, directs the board's work and checks in with committees as needed.

Treasurer - Tracks all income & expenses. Makes bank deposits. Prepares treasurer's report for monthly PTO meetings. Submits yearly taxes to accountant.

Secretary - Takes notes at all meetings, prepares meeting agendas, creates and sends out monthly newsletter.

Meet Our PTO Board

President - Beth Stanley I have been on the Parker PTO board for the past six years. I joined the PTO to be more involved in the school events with my children. It is a great opportunity to get to know Parker kids, teachers/staff and parents. Field Day is my favorite event, I enjoy planning and organizing this event, it is so great to see everyone come together for a whole day of fun. I have two children. My daughter is 13 years old and starting 8th grade at the high school this year, she is also involved in dance and theatre. My son is 9 years old and is in the 4th grade at the Parker., he is involved in soccer and Kung - Fu. In addition, I work fulltime for Brown Brothers Harriman and am an assistant soccer coach for my son's travel soccer team.

Vice President - Elizabeth LeBlanc I’ve been on the PTO for 3 years. My daughter is in 5th grade at the Marshall, and my son is in second grade here at the Parker. My kids play soccer in town, dance, and do karate, and when I’m not driving them places, I am a nurse at Children’s Hospital in Lexington. At the Parker, I have helped to put on the fun run for 2 years!

Secretary - Su McGlone I am in my second year as Secretary of the PTO. I love being involved in the events and getting to know everyone at the Parker through this opportunity. The Parker has been such an important part of my kids lives, and I love being able to give back to the teachers and staff who work so hard for our children every day. I have two kids, my daughter is in 1st grade and my son is in 3rd. Both of my kids also play soccer in town, and my son is also on a club soccer team. My daughter also does skating, gymnastics and Girl Scouts, which I assist with leading. I work full time at Deloitte as a Consultant.

Treasurer - Carlene Noelsaint - My name is Carlene Noelsaint and I am the Parker School PTO Treasurer. I have been married for eight years and I have two boys. I work full time as a Program Analyst and I love to read, write and create floral arrangements. I am an Autism mom and dedicated to assuring that children receive all the services and support they need to thrive. This is my second year serving on the PTO Executive Board and I am really excited for another great school year.